ISSN 1847-2001
e-ISSN 1848-2295

Scheduled Conference Title
CECIIS - 2008 A comparison of graphic applications' performance in Microsoft Windows and Apple OS environment Abstract
Stjepan Petrac, Antun Koren
CECIIS - 2008 A formal system for automated reasoning about retrograde chess problems using Coq Abstract
Marko Malikovic
CECIIS - 2008 A Management Approach to Software Validation Requirements Abstract
Nadica Hrgarek
CECIIS - 2008 A Semantic Wiki System Based on F-Logic Abstract
Markus Schatten, Mirko Cubrilo, Jurica A
CECIIS - 2008 A Vehicle Image Description for On-line Fast Classification Abstract
Marcin Staniek, Jan Piecha
CECIIS - 2008 An Approach to the Guillotine Strip Packing Problem Abstract
Damir Vuk
CECIIS - 2008 An Experiment in Recommending Content from an Information Portal Abstract
Marian Mach
CECIIS - 2008 An overview of modern software development methods Abstract
KreA!imir Fertalj, Marija Katic
CECIIS - 2008 Application of AHP method in development of Information Systems Abstract
Ivan Pogarcic, Miro Francic, Klaudio Pap
CECIIS - 2008 Application of Bayesian networks in emergency medicine Abstract
Matej Mertik, Miljenko KriA3maric
CECIIS - 2008 Application of Benford's Law in information systems auditing Abstract
Mario Zgela, Zdravko Krakar
CECIIS - 2008 Application of Information and Communication Technologies in Foreign Language Teaching Abstract
Oliver Moravcik
CECIIS - 2008 Applications of Genetic Algorithms Abstract
Peter Schreiber
CECIIS - 2008 Attitudes towards distance education Abstract
Zlatko Nedelko, Carmen Elena Cirnu
CECIIS - 2008 Bridging the digital divide in mountain communities - the Mo.Di project Abstract
Blaz Rodic
CECIIS - 2008 Components of effective academic learning environment: Case studies of Croatian and American students Abstract
Violeta Vidacek-Hains, Victoria Appatova, Harry Prats
CECIIS - 2008 Computer Forensics in Business Environment Abstract
Boris Berecek, Neven Bratranek, Robert Kopal
CECIIS - 2008 Computer-Aided Simulation Model of Smoked Meat Inventory with Price Breaks Abstract
Darko Dukic, Gordana Dukic, Mate Sesar
CECIIS - 2008 Congestion Control for Highly Loaded DIFFSERV/MPLS Networks Abstract
Srecko Krile, Dario Kresic
CECIIS - 2008 Content management systems functionality Abstract
Vladimir Mateljan, Vedran Juricic, Vladimir A
CECIIS - 2008 Cryptanalysis of KMOV cryptosystem with short secret exponent Abstract
Bernadin Ibrahimpasic
Mile Pavli?, Marin KaluA3a, Neven Vr?ek
CECIIS - 2008 Designing a method for knowledge audit in small and medium information technology Firms Abstract
Ivan Jurinjak, BoA3idar Klicek
CECIIS - 2008 Detecting code re-use potential Abstract
Mario Konecki, Tihomir Orehovacki, Alen Lovrencic
CECIIS - 2008 Development of basic prerequisites for information society: Croatia in comparison to EU countries and the countries of Central and Eastern European region Abstract
Igor Pihir, Danijela Bambir
CECIIS - 2008 Dynamic Data Access Object Design Pattern Abstract
Zdravko Rosko, Mario Konecki,
CECIIS - 2008 Dynamic Management of User Interface of Business Application System Abstract
Stjepan Vidacic, Neven Vrcek
CECIIS - 2008 E-authentication using chosen biometric characteristics Abstract
Jurica A, Miroslav Ba?a
CECIIS - 2008 Efficient Trigger Management in Multiagent Systems Abstract
Kornelije Rabuzin, Mirko Maleković, Alen Lovrenčić
CECIIS - 2008 E-learning of Extreme Production Procedures Abstract
Zvonimir Sabati, Ivana A1iljak, Klaudio Pap, Mario TomiA!a, Andrija Bernik
CECIIS - 2008 Empirical Learning Styles in Simulation of Investment Game Abstract
Robert Fabac, Danijel Radosevic, Melita Kozina
CECIIS - 2008 Evaluating LMS/CMS performance Abstract
Marjan KraA!na, Branko Kaucic
CECIIS - 2008 Evaluation of Open Source Office Suites for the use in Public Administration of the Republic of Croatia - a Security Perspective Abstract
Marinela Ivankovi?, Markus Schatten, Miroslav Ba?a
CECIIS - 2008 Evaluation of stocks from Zagreb stock exchange Abstract
Jasminka Dobsa, Krsto Kero, Danijel RadoA!evic
CECIIS - 2008 Fairness on the Internet and its Importance in Development Context Abstract
Elly Amani Gamukama
CECIIS - 2008 Fuzzy rules for model based vehicles classification Abstract
Bartlomiej Placzek, Marcin Staniek
CECIIS - 2008 Gridlock Warning and Resolvement at Signalized Intersections Abstract
Damir Kovac, Velimir Ostoic, Tomislav Ostoic
CECIIS - 2008 How are we ready for international distance education? Abstract
Zlatko Nedelko, Vojko Potocan
CECIIS - 2008 How implementation of Enterprise Resources Planning Systems can improve a company's competitiveness? Abstract
Damir Novotny, Zvonimir Sabati
CECIIS - 2008 How to Improve Integrated Information System by Configuration Management Process Application? Abstract
Tamara Perusic, Ljerka Luic
CECIIS - 2008 Hybrid Model of the Mobile Information System in a Complex Warehouse System Abstract
Stjepan Vidacic, Slaven Brumec
CECIIS - 2008 ICT in the education of children with special needs Abstract
Robert Repnik
CECIIS - 2008 ICT Outsourcing - models and experiences Abstract
Milica Saravanja
CECIIS - 2008 ICT Strategy of Universities Abstract
Neven Pintaric
CECIIS - 2008 Impact of ICT on the organization structure elements: case of the Varazdin County Abstract
Kristina Brodar, Marina Klacmer Calopa, Igor Pihir
CECIIS - 2008 Improvement of Business and IT Alignment through IT Internal Audit Abstract
Silvana Tomic Rotim, ViA!nja Komneni?
CECIIS - 2008 Innovation Through ICT - The Management View Abstract
Miroslav Madjaric, Zdravko Krakar
CECIIS - 2008 Integrating Six Sigma into Quality Management Systems in the Medical Device Industry Abstract
Nadica Hrgarek, Kerri-Anne Bowers
CECIIS - 2008 Integration of data in traffic control systems Abstract
Zvonko Kavran, Ivan Grgurevic, Adam Stancic
CECIIS - 2008 Interactions Validation Methods for Training Resources Control Engine Development Abstract
Marcin Bernas
CECIIS - 2008 Introducing CaCM: toward new students collaboration model Abstract
Mario Danic, Tihomir Orehovacki, Zlatko Stapic
CECIIS - 2008 Is Critical Chain Project Management Really a Novel Technique? Abstract
Mario A, KreA!imir Fertalj, Damir Kalpi?
CECIIS - 2008 Issues of hardware implementation of image based vehicle detection Abstract
wieslaw pamula
CECIIS - 2008 Leadership in Team Based Knowledge Management - An Autopoietic Information System's Perspective Abstract
Mirko Malekovic, Markus Schatten
CECIIS - 2008 Legislative Framework for Telemedicine Abstract
Zlatko Stapic, Neven Vrcek, Goran Hajdin
CECIIS - 2008 Linguistic competence as a precondition for introducing tertiary-level instruction in English Abstract
Andreja Kovacic, Valentina Kirinic, Blazenka Divjak
CECIIS - 2008 Managing the Private Higher Learning Institutions with the Support of Information Technology: Strategic Framework Abstract
A1eljko Dobrovic, Sanja Penic
CECIIS - 2008 Meaning of Digitalization Abstract
Andrej Flogie, Robert Repnik
CECIIS - 2008 Measuring Wireless Advertising Effectiveness Abstract
Armand Faganel
CECIIS - 2008 Meta-learning Method for Authomatic Selection of Algorithms for Text Classification Abstract
Jan Paralic, Karol Furdik, Gabriel Tutoky
CECIIS - 2008 Model driven development for supply chain monitoring applications Abstract
Alexander Hornung, JA MA1ller
CECIIS - 2008 Motivation factors and competencies of students in online courses Abstract
Goran Bubas, SnjeA3ana Babic, Mario Jadric
CECIIS - 2008 Multilevel Approach in the Optimization of Technological Processes in ATM Abstract
Miro Cvitkovic, Ivan BoA!njak, A Mrvelj
CECIIS - 2008 Online CASE Tool for Development of Web Abstract
Igor Jugo
CECIIS - 2008 Ontology Evaluation - Comprising Verification and Validation Abstract
Sandra Lovrencic, Mirko Cubrilo
CECIIS - 2008 Organizational culture and e-education in secondary school teaching process Abstract
Krunoslav Bedi, Ljiljana Ille, Nikolina Zajdela
CECIIS - 2008 Planning Service Level Management Process using the Balanced Scorecard Abstract
Melita Kozina
CECIIS - 2008 Possibility of applying fuzzy logic in the e-Learning system Abstract
Dragan Perakovic, Vladimir Remenar, Ivan Grgurevic
CECIIS - 2008 Problem of plagiarism and its detection Abstract
Branko Kaucic
CECIIS - 2008 Process Transformation for Reaching Agility: Chief Information Officer Role Abstract
Darko Galinec, Branko Ferek-Jambrek
Natalija Jolic, Zvonko Kavran, Ivana Cavar
CECIIS - 2008 Research of Methods for Production Management and Making Reports through Digital Job Orders Abstract
Klaudio Pap, Ivan Pogar?i?, Zvonimir Sabati
CECIIS - 2008 Reverse engineering unknown protocols Abstract
Tonimir KiA!asondi, A1eljko Hutinski, Vesna DuA!ak
CECIIS - 2008 Semantic Web As An Enabling Technology For Better Design Pattern Adoption Abstract
Luka Pavlic, Marjan Hericko
CECIIS - 2008 Semantic-based Groupware System in SAKE for Support of Knowledge and Expert Intensive Public Administration Processes Abstract
Peter Butka, Gabriel Lukac
Mihaela Bukljas Skocibusic, Natalija Jolic, Ivana Cavar
CECIIS - 2008 Stochastic Programming Model in Agricultural Production Decision Support System Abstract
Gordana Dukic, Zdravko ToluA!ic, Mate Sesar
Vesna Bogojevic Arsic
CECIIS - 2008 Survey to Software Reliability Abstract
Oliver Moravcik
CECIIS - 2008 Systems Security Engineering Capability Maturity Model with support of simulation and knowledge management Abstract
Danijela Bambir, A1eljko Hutinski, Vesna DuA!ak
CECIIS - 2008 The application of logical tools in a project based classroom Abstract
Maria Jakovljevic
CECIIS - 2008 The Impact of Methodology and Software Tools Selection on Economical Aspects of Software Development Process Abstract
Zeljka Pozgaj, Danijela Munic
CECIIS - 2008 The Influence of Disciplinary Backgrounds on Design Practices in Web-based Systems Development Abstract
Michael Lang
CECIIS - 2008 The Influence of Disciplinary Backgrounds on Design Practices in Web-based Systems Development Abstract
Michael Lang
CECIIS - 2008 The Optimal Solution Choice of Remote Access Connection to Corporate Network Abstract
Jelena Jardas Antonic, Danijel Antoni?
CECIIS - 2008 The Particular Mapping of the Web Graph Abstract
Kristina Machova
CECIIS - 2008 The Proposal of the Essential Strategies of DataWarehouse Testing Abstract
Pavol Tanuska, Oliver Moravcik, Pavel Vazan, Fratisek Miksa
CECIIS - 2008 The usage of the Six Sigma method for the improvement of support for ICT service's users Abstract
Katarina Kukuljan
CECIIS - 2008 Translation of the Infrared into a Visible Area with Double Separation Abstract
Ivana Ziljak, Klaudio Pap, Vilko A1iljak
CECIIS - 2008 Upgrading Existing Biometric Security Systems by Implementing the Concept of Cancelable Biometrics Abstract
Marko Antonic
1 - 91 of 91 Items

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