Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2008

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Dynamic Data Access Object Design Pattern
Zdravko Rosko, Mario Konecki,

Last modified: 2008-07-22


Abstract. Business Logic application layer accessing data from any data source (databases, web services, legacy systems, flat files, ERPs, EJBs, CORBA services, and so forth) uses the Dynamic Data Access Object which implements the Strategy design pattern and hides most of the complexity away from an application programmer by encapsulating its dynamic behavior in the base data access class. By using data source meta data, it automates most of the functionality it handles within the application. Application programmer needs only to implement specific ,,finder" functions while other functions such as ,,create, store, remove, find, removeAll, storeAll, createAll, findAll" are handled by the Dynamic Data Access Object base class .
Currently there are many Object Relational Mapping products which are used to bridge objects and relational database. Most of the time this approach (Object Relational Mapping) makes one more unnecessary layer of the complexity. Dynamic Data Access Object helps application programmers to avoid the usage of the Object Relational Mapping when there is no benefit of using it. Dynamic Data Access Object is an implementation of ,,pass through" instead of Object Relational Mapping application behaviour at the data access layer .

Keywords. Strategy, Data Access Object, Sovereign Value Object, EJB, Value List Handler, Result Set, Object Relational Mapping,
Caching, Meta Data, Transaction, Connection, Business Object, Facade.

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