Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2008

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Translation of the Infrared into a Visible Area with Double Separation
Ivana Ziljak, Klaudio Pap, Vilko A1iljak

Last modified: 2008-08-25


Information visualization refers to the wavelength area ranging from 400 to 700 nm. Contiguous areas in lower wavelengths ranging from 100 to 400 nm are translated into the visual area with the goal to protect information visible only by applying instruments adapted for the ultraviolet area. Our recent research work refers to the infrared wavelength areas above the visible specter up to 1000 nm. An algorithm has been created for making visual basics in the overall visible specter containing material that responds in the infrared section. This allows planning of areas in all coloring types for one and the same document that contains a secure piece of information. The system is based on double transition transformation of the visible RGB information recognition into CMYK using GCR and UCA method in the same document. Secure information is recognized with the help of instruments in the set wavelength range. Most of the experiments have been made by analyzing the same set of RGB records. Each sample in the set was a test unit from another source containing different IR components. The procedures for finding counterfeits have been set thereby, the document's life estimate and the original's physical state. Hidden information is revealed, lost and destroyed by some of the conventional methods.

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