Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2008

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Hybrid Model of the Mobile Information System in a Complex Warehouse System
Stjepan Vidacic, Slaven Brumec

Last modified: 2008-10-16


Modern warehouse systems are becoming
more and more complex. They are in great need of
methods and technologies that will ensure storage of
goods at optimal locations, efficient recovery of the
stock in hand, better transport of goods within a
warehouse in a unit of time, more efficient use of
manpower in the processes of manipulation of goods
and accurate record-keeping as regards the current
state of supplies in a warehouse. A solution to the
mentioned requirements has been provided by the
development of the warehouse information system (IS)
that is based on implementation of mobile technology.
Given the possibilities of the mobile technology, such
approach has no longer any alternative.
This paper presents a hybrid model of the
warehouse mobile IS that is based on the following
- the warehouse mobile IS needs to be designed
as a relatively independent subsystem of the overall
IS in an enterprise;
- the interaction between the application of the
warehouse mobile IS and the Major Application of an
enterprise's IS should be established via a special
mobile IS database acting as a target database;
- the IS Major Application of an enterprise and
the application of the warehouse mobile IS may be
developed independently, within different
development systems;
- there must be a feedback between the IS Major
Application of an enterprise and the warehouse
mobile IS;
- the feedback system ensures the necessary
double-checking of all entry/exit transactions in a
The basic features of the hybrid model of the
warehouse mobile IS are as follows:
- a variety of types of database relative to the
Major Application of an enterprise and the
application of the warehouse mobile IS;
- various development systems of the Major
Application of an enterprise and the application of the
warehouse mobile IS;
- mobile information technology of different
manufacturers, which requires specific approach to
the development of applications, etc.
The development of the presented hybrid model of
the warehouse mobile IS to the level of a software
product, and its successful implementation in a
demanding enterprise, as well as the bad examples of
similar solutions in practice, in fact confirm the
quality of the developed warehouse mobile IS and
may serve as a model for the development of similar
systems. In view of the fact that the introduction of
mobile technology into the IS of a complex warehouse
makes all processes in a warehouse dependent on the
mobile technology, this paper also provides a review
of certain problems relative to the implementation of
available ICT systems that directly affect the
functionality of an enterprise as a whole.

Keywords. major application, mobile
application, warehouse, warehouse documents,
ICT, mobile technology, hybrid model of
information system

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