Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2008

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Bridging the digital divide in mountain communities - the Mo.Di project
Blaz Rodic

Last modified: 2008-08-01


People living in mountain communities represent one of the groups most affected by the digital divide. Communication infrastructure far from the urban centres is obsolete and poorly maintained, from roads to the internet access. In addition many mountain folks have inadequate knowledge of information technology, making use of online public services difficult. The Mo.Di project in the INTERREG IIIC South programme was aimed at developing a good practice for increasing awareness of the available online public services, improving the IT skills of the population, and developing a system for easier access to services. First phase of the project involved a field survey of the available public services and IT infrastructure in the communities and the level of IT skills of the population, while the second phase involved the setup of internet points with assistance, that were used to develop the services portal and gather the feedback from the population. The final result of the project is a good practice model that facilitates the implementation of the EU's Lisbon Strategy in the remote mountain areas.

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