Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2008

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Development of basic prerequisites for information society: Croatia in comparison to EU countries and the countries of Central and Eastern European region
Igor Pihir, Danijela Bambir

Last modified: 2008-08-01


Information society and creating prerequisites for its existence and development is one of determinants in development strategy of Croatia. To measure and compare readiness and the degree of information society in the EU member countries, European Commission has accepted list of benchmarking indicators, in line with eEurope 2005 program, what ensures comparable insight in development toward the information society. Croatia has accepted this list of benchmarking indicators by the development strategy of Croatia, in field of information and communication technology (ICT), which includes directions and activities for transition into information society, and by the Operational plan for the implementation of e-Croatia 2007 program for 2006. Since in Croatia there is still no publicly accessible systematic monitoring of these indicators, with this paper we want to explore current position of Croatia in relation to EU and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe by information society indicators: Citizens' Internet access and usage, together with the Broadband penetration. Analysis was performed on the dataset of currently available researches periodically done by market research companies and International Telecommunication Union, as well as the data derived from Eurostat. It also shows the growing trend of Internet users in Croatia compared to EU.

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