Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2008

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Evaluation of Open Source Office Suites for the use in Public Administration of the Republic of Croatia - a Security Perspective
Marinela Ivankovi?, Markus Schatten, Miroslav Ba?a

Last modified: 2008-08-25


In this paper we will present an evaluation of open source office suites for the use in public administration of the Republic of Croatia from a security oriented view. Security is an important factor in this evaluation since there is no guarantee from a software developer company that can provide the necessary backdrop for a huge organization like the public administration. Since the government of Croatia issued a policy where the use of open source software is strongly encouraged and recommended there was no public evaluation of possible office suites. By basing our reasoning on different research conducted in the European union we propose a number of applications that would be appropriate for office use.

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