Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2008

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Legislative Framework for Telemedicine
Zlatko Stapic, Neven Vrcek, Goran Hajdin

Last modified: 2008-08-01


Previous research showed that considerable differences exist in telemedical legislation within different countries. The result points out the existence of major grasp between legislation in the USA, Europe and countries like Croatia. This article deals with analysis of chronological steps of legislation development and enactment. The focus of research is placed on enactment of legislation related to telemedical thematic since 1993 till today. We compared the telemedicine legislation development and the laws in the USA and Europe, and shaped these results as applicable solutions for countries that do not have adequately defined telemedical legislation. Finally we transferred good practices from countries that have developed legislation concerning telemedicine to countries that are jet to face that current issue.

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