Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2008

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Components of effective academic learning environment: Case studies of Croatian and American students
Violeta Vidacek-Hains, Victoria Appatova, Harry Prats

Last modified: 2008-08-27


Learning environment factors, which account for academic achievement, have been increasingly taken into consideration by different higher-education systems. Apart from the curriculum itself and technical support provided, other factors involved in the educational process have been gaining importance, including student services, mentor support, learning skills development and self efficacy. The foreknowledge gained in the course of secondary education and family backgrounds have also proven to be significant predictors of school achievement.
In this paper the findings of a survey conducted among students in two target groups included in the case studies are compared - about 150 first-year students of the Faculty of Organization and Informatics and about 200 students of the University of Cincinnati. The results are interpreted in the context of identifying the key factors for successful tertiary-level education (especially in the field of information and communication technology in Croatia). A semantic analysis of students' replies to open-ended questions has been performed with a view to gathering suggestions for improving study conditions. Students' feedback may be used for introducing possible modifications towards a creative an effective learning environment.

Key words: learning environment, information communication technology, higher education

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