Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2008

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Empirical Learning Styles in Simulation of Investment Game
Robert Fabac, Danijel Radosevic, Melita Kozina

Last modified: 2008-10-16


Environment in which an individual
makes decisions may be quickly changing, i.e.
volatile, causing a change in perception as far as
available versions of decision are concerned. By
reaching decisions through time, an individual learns
based on personal experience, i.e. based on feedback
on possible and actual results of relevant decisions.
For the purpose of this research, we developed a
game containing elements of a strategy and allowing
a simulation of decision-making by a number of
individuals. Empirical testing on a sample of players
was to determine styles of learning and decisionmaking.
As far as choices of strategy are concerned, it
was determined that there is a significant sensitivity
of players toward negative changes of payoff.
Reactions to "missed opportunity" modeled according
to Camerer's Consideration Index are shown through
various intensities of changes in inhabiting of
successful and unsuccessful strategies.

Keywords. Consideration index, decision-
making, empirical learning, payoff, reduced
backward information, strategic choice

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