Proceedings Archive 2021
Cover pages
Computer Games
Markus Schatten, Bogdan Okreša Ðurić, Rikardo Protrka
Conceptual Architecture of a Cognitive Agent for Telemedicine based on Gamification
Markus Schatten, Tomislav Peharda, Juraj Rasonja
A Game Engine Layer for the Implementation of Massively Multiplayer On-line Interactive Fiction
Glenn Gordon Smith, Bogdan Okreša Ðurić, Martina Ricijaš
Automated Educational Game Design from EBooks
Igor Tomičić, Tomislav Peharda, Andrija Bernik
An Active Game Bot Detection with Security Bots
Data and Knowledge Bases
Benedikt Perak, Tajana Ban Kirigin
Dependency-based Labeling of Associative Lexical Communities
Digital transformation and corporate culture
Dunja Dobrinić
Development of a conceptual digital technology acceptance model for micro and small organizations
Larisa Hrustek, Neven Vrček, Slavko Vidović
Conceptual model of smart industry value chain
Mateja Barić, Marta Alić
Digital Transformation in Croatia: Contextual analysis
Stjepan Vidačić, Igor Pihir, Ana Kutnjak
E-business and Digital Transformation in Client to Bookkeeping Communications: Longitudinal Case Study
Robert Fabac
Comprehension of digital transformation through the prism of an organizational design and redesign framework
Adriana Karačić, Ivana Marić, Jelena Kovač
The importance of service user trust in the collaborative economy
Education and learning analytics
Tamara Ređep, Lucija Žignić, Goran Hajdin
The Impact of Peer Assessment on the Results of Primary School Students' Self-Assessment in the e-learning System Loomen
Ena Lulić, Iva Papac, Katarina Pažur Aničić
Web Platform for Carrer Centers in Higher Education – What do the Students need?
Joan Casas-Roma, Jordi Conesa, Santi Caballé
Exploring Ethical Considerations and Challenges in Online Assessment
Bart Rienties, Rebecca Ferguson, Christothea Herodotou, Francisco Iniesto, Julia Sargent, Igor Balaban, Henry Muccini, Sirje Virkus
Education 4.0 and Computer Science: A European perspective
Ciucan-Rusu Liviu, Ștefan Daniel, Comes Călin-Adrian, Timuș Mihai, Bunduchi Elena, Popa Maria-Alexandra
Digital propensity among academia members towards Elearning: a Romanian university case study
ICT Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Damir Dobrinić, Iva Gregurec
Analysis of Factors Influencing Traditional WOM and eWOM
Tena Obradović Posinković, Marina Dabić
Advanced technologies for open innovation strategies: Systematic literature review
Intelligent Systems
Martina Ptiček
How good BERT based models are in sentiment analysis of Croatian tweets: comparison of four multilingual BERTs
Ivan Dunđer, Sanja Seljan, Marko Pavlovski
What Makes Machine-Translated Poetry Look Bad? A Human Error Classification Analysis
Alen Rajšp, Marjan Heričko, Iztok Fister jr.
Preprocessing of roads in OpenStreetMap based geographic data on a property graph
Abdul Sittar, Dunja Mladenić
How Are the Economic Conditions and Political Alignment of a Newspaper Reflected in the Events They Report On?
Ena Barčić, Petra Grd
A Survey on 3D Digital Facial Reconstruction Algorithms
Petra Grd
A Survey on Neural Networks for Face Age Estimation
Matea Vasilj, Sven Skender, Marko Horvat
Model for improvement of nonprofit student organizations funding by machine learning and digital transition to blockchain
Anton Ilić, Slobodan Beliga
The Polarity of Croatian Online News Related to COVID-19: A First Insight
Quality in ICT
Melita Kozina
IT Risk Management in the enterprise using CobiT 5
Nadica Hrgarek Lechner
The Key Elements of a Risk-based Product Security Program for Medical Devices: A Scoping Study
Bence Halmosi, Cecilia Sik-Lanyi, Robert Hirschler
Comparing the colour representation of browsers through the coloured shadow phenomenon
Strategic planning and decision making
Sandro Radovanović, Andrija Petrović, Boris Delibašić, Milija Suknović
Eliminating Disparate Impact in MCDM: The case of TOPSIS
Josip Štefanić, Diana Šimić
An overview of skills foresight methods
Ivana Sučić Funko, Marina Dabić, Bozidar Vlačić
Corporate Entrepreneurship and ICT: Trends and Future Research Agenda
Gülçin Büyüközkan, Merve Güler, Esin Mukul
Assessing the Maturity for Digital Education with HFL DEMATEL-HFL ARAS Techniques
Esin Mukul, Merve Güler, Gülçin Büyüközkan
Evaluation of Sustainability for Turkey's Cities with Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic MCDM Methods
Marijan Kostanjevac, Maja Gligora Marković, Nikola Kadoić
The differences in decision-making styles in the Croatian student population of military and nonmilitary studies
Trends in Software Engineering
Rony G. Flatscher, Günter Müller
Employing Portable JavaFX GUIs with Scripting Languages
Luis de-Marcos, Carlos Cilleruelo, Javier Junquera-Sánchez
Mobile Continuous Authentication in eHealth: A case study for the ProTego project
Tjaša Heričko, Špela Čučko, Boštjan Šumak, Saša Brdnik
Web Performance Tuning of WordPress-Based Websites Through Automatic Image Optimization
Ana Kutnjak, Larisa Hrustek, Barbara Šlibar, Igor Pihir, Martina Tomičić-Furjan, Nikolina Žajdela Hrustek, Neven Vrček, Renata Mekovec
Insight of Croatian Open Data Portals Functionalities According to TODO Interdisciplinary Assessment Framework v2.0
Dajana Narandžić, Ivana Spasojević, Teodora Lolić, Darko Stefanović, Sonja Ristić
Human Roles, Competencies and Skills in Industry 4.0: Systematic Literature Review
Žana Zekić, Zlatko Stapić
Impact of Agile-Hybrid Methods and Approaches on Software Quality: A Systematic Literature Review
Patrik Rek, Muhamed Turkanović
Data modelling for Blockchain Oriented Software Engineering
William Steingartner, Valerie Novitzká, Pavol Zorvan
Some modeling technologies in educating of young IT experts in the field of formal languages and their semantics

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