Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2016

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Lara Šporčić

Last modified: 2016-09-09


This paper establishes differences in the gender equality in kindergarten, and its purpose is to establish and point at differences between male and female kindergarten teachers. In nowadays it is very important to give opportunity to person, no matter of gender, to show their (his or her) maximum, and without gender categorization as unsuitable for certain job. Croatia is unfortunately still the country in which discrimination up to gender is present in high percent (1). For this investigation the author used three techniques: Likert's scale; semantic differential and opened type of question in which kindergarten teachers (male and female) have been surveyed. The goal of this researching is to established opinions of male and female kindergarten teachers; in which degree the gender has influence on their job, and what kind of acceptation is for male or female kindergarten teacher. The researching is really extensive, so in this survey will be accent only on the parts in which is seen the biggest differences between the genders. The purpose of this survey is to get opinion inside from own employments about the influence of possible discrimination. The researching has been realized over 66 examinees from whom 65 are female, and the only one is the male examinee. All examinees agree with this of conduct through researching and they gave their agreement. 47% of examinees, exactly 31 answered that the male kindergarten teachers are good accepted, because they are in minority. 62% of examinees, exactly 41 answered that the female kindergarten teachers are good accepted because they are in majority, while 30% examinees, 20 of them, agree with the statement that the average of the male and female kindergarten teachers will be equal. At the analysis of acceptation the male and female kindergarten teachers from the side of collective, children and parents especially the female kindergarten teachers have got better results. The examinees have different comments on the questionnaire, such as the gender hasn't influence to the profession of the kindergarten teacher, than in generally individual as the unit person. The results of this researching is interesting, because in analyze of all elements of the questionnaire are gotten more positive results for the female gender and they are very useful, because show us how much discrimination of the gender is presented in kindergartens, and demonstrates us that we should work on this.