Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2016

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Language based plagiarism detection
Matija Kaniški

Last modified: 2016-09-15


Plagiarism is constantly evolving and it occurs in almost all language areas, taking different kind of forms and shapes. To create a sophisticated plagiarism, the linguistic abilities of a particular language are needed. Today’s Internet content, adapts more and more to its users and language areas. English is not any more so prevalent on the web because contents in other languages occurs. As plagiarism increasingly evolves development of new solutions that they can compete with is crucial. One of these temporary solutions is the PlagScan plugin for the learning management system Moodle. PlagScan has among outer things an exceptional ability to find plagiarism in the Croatian language. So we're not talking about local search and comparison of plagiarism, but rather finding matches of plagiarized content with the original web content in the Croatian language with extremely low cost.