Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2014

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Case Study: Refactoring of Software Product Line Architecture - Feature Smells Analysis
Zdravko Rosko

Last modified: 2014-07-14


Software Product Line (SPL) architecture refactoring is typically performed to keep pace with changing environment, such as client platforms, operating system,  language compilers, development tools, external third party components and database managements systems. Product Line Architecture (PLA) is a shared architecture for a set of closely related applications. In this paper we report the experience conducting a case study on PLA refactoring analysis to be used as an input to the next stage within the process of its refactoring. Quantitative data are collected from a product line for business applications in a financial institution. The overall goal of the case study was to understand the current characteristics of the PLA with the intention of improving it and making its necessary adaptive and preventive maintenance changes. We propose a refactoring analysis steps for product-preserving type of product line refactoring to ensure improved PLA quality attributes.

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