Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2014

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Biometric system reliability as a important factor of influence on Chain of Custody of Digital Evidence
Zoran Cosic, Jasmin Ćosić, Miroslav Bača

Last modified: 2014-09-10


Some biometric systems are designed to recognize and track individuals without their knowledge and allowance. Covert identification has not been widely deployed, but its potential use raises deep privacy concerns. Although the biometrics industry has at times dismissed such concerns, biometric systems could win broader acceptance if more attention were paid to the target community’s social and cultural values. Biometric recognition raises important legal issues of remediation, authority, and reliability, and, of course, privacy. The standard assumptions of the technologists who design new techniques, capabilities, and systems are very different from those embedded in the legal system. Legal precedent on the use of biometric technology is growing, with some key cases going back decades and other more recent cases having raised serious questions about the admissibility of biometric (digital) evidence in court. In this paper authors is about to propose analysis of existing methodology for preserving chain of custody by an introduction of biometric vulnerability evaluation methodology as important factor of influence for integrity and acceptability in Court of Justice of presented Digital Evidence through preservation of Chain of Custody (CoC). Using UML modeling methodology authors are about to represent a framework which will describe essential phases for evaluation of admissibility process of digital evidence including a vulnerability assessment process of biometric system exposing issues on reliability of biometric system that can have influence on reliability of CoC.