Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2013

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Social Media Role in Communication Exchange of International Volunteer Experience
Darko Gazibara, Magdalena Jovanović, Ana Ćorić Samardžija

Last modified: 2013-07-18


Information communication technology extends traditional ways of volunteer engagement.  Reaching out to people and giving them opportunity to be part of change or to make a difference in their country or abroad uses new communication channels. This new communication tools have potential to help volunteer organizers to build stronger relationship with existing volunteers and to recruit new volunteers. With the use of social media tools volunteers can see comments, blogs, post, pictures, and videos of other volunteers’ experience and get more courage and inspiration to involve in such activities.

Trough this research authors wanted to promote volunteering and the use of social media in such purposes. Further, authors wanted to research what are the attitudes about the use of social media of existing volunteer, which role does social media have in communication exchange of international volunteering experience  and what are their attitudes about volunteering in general.