Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2011

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Insights from Web 3.0: Is it Time for a New Scientific Publishing Methodology?
Markus Schatten, Mirko Maleković

Last modified: 2011-10-03


Scientific publishing almost hasn't changed for the last few centuries. Conferences and Journals are the only two ways to publish scientific information. On the other hand publishing technology has advanced from ordinary typography and it is ironic that scientific institutions, which should be the primers in using advanced technologies, still use traditional (often black and white) paper publishing. Today's Web interfaces to journals act mainly as a digital archive of non-digital papers. Technology allows us to use multimedia systems, software applications, social and semantic web facilities that could tremendously improve publishing quality and allow for more scientific interaction.
In order to show some of the possibilities of these new technologies, the TaOPis system will be presented. TaOPis is a social semantic web application for self-organizing communities providing suitable tools like semantic wiki systems, forums, blogs, ranking mechanisms, content filtering, tagging etc. The system has been used for more than three years for various purposes, but most projects deal with knowledge management due to the fact that the system is used in a knowledge management course at the Faculty of organization and informatics. Especially its semantic wiki subsystem is of special interest since it accumulates metainformation which is of great importance to finding relevant information. 
It shall be shown that a semantic wiki system (provided with some additional functionality based on social network analysis) can be used for a scientific publishing system that is self-organizing and facilitates the autopoiesis of the scientific social system.

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