Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2010

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Challenges of the blind programmers
Mario Konecki, Robert Kudelić, Danijel Radošević

Last modified: 2010-07-15


Programming today requires one to be able to code textually but it also requires a quite amount of visual design. Both of these have left blind people in very difficult position when talking about programming. There has been some effort in general to produce methods and tools that would enable blind persons to use computers but none of them has been specialized to aid the blinds in various programming issues. In this paper we will discuss the methods that are used to aid blinds to use computers, we will analyze how and in which amount they can be used to help blind persons in programming, we will discuss how applicable they are regarding textual and visual programming work. Finally we will also mention main disadvantages that blind come accros and give some ideas for their resolution. 

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