Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2009

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Differences in e-learning material production according to the learners' age and comprehension level
Marjan Krasna, Branko Kaucic, Tomaz Bratina

Last modified: 2009-08-25


E-learning materials production requires thorough planning and design. In traditional approach teacher is in front of the learners and he changes the learning process dynamically according to the mood in the classroom. The process of e-learning does not give immediate feedback to the teachers and can be frustrating for the teachers and students alike. Therefore e-learning materials need to be prepared differently as learning materials for the lectures. On the other hand it is mandatory to know the prior level of experience of learners and also their age. Good learning material for university students is suitable for the high-school students and is totally useless for the primary schools. There are some commons that should be applied to all e-learning materials and some specifics that make e-learning materials useful. In our article we will present the analysis of the learning materials we have prepared for primary schools, secondary schools and university students. Presentation of the commons and the specifics that was detected; taken into account; and verified in our e-learning materials is going to be the goal of our article.

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