Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2009

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Inconsistencies in Semantic Social Web Applications
Markus Schatten, Mirko Maleković, Kornelije Rabuzin

Last modified: 2009-07-23


The semantic social web or web 3.0 is the movement of integrating popular social web (web 2.0) applications with ideas from the semantic web. Techniques like semantic wiki systems, social tagging of weblogs and other web 2.0 applications as well as FOAF (Friend of a Friend) specifications are some of the results of this movement. Since metainformation acquired by such systems depends mostly on the social system interacting with them it is almost certain that inconsistencies will emerge. We analyze the case of a semantic wiki system (TaOPis) dealing mostly with knowledge management and show how this inconsistencies can yield problems for eventual agents searching the dynamic knowledge base. In the end we give some guidelines and possible solutions for avoiding such unwanted behavior.

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