Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2008

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ICT in the education of children with special needs
Robert Repnik

Last modified: 2008-08-01


ICT has already gained its place in all levels of education. There are many research projects that cover the topic of application of ICT in the education. But in the education of children with special needs we have almost no information. Ministry of higher education, science and technology of Republic Slovenia ordered the research though. Project "Analysis of state and needs about computer and other IC technologies in educational institutions for persons with special needs" was conducted during the year 2007 and has finished in January 2008. In this project we gained significant insight to the application of ICT in the education of children with special needs. In our research we have found that special institutions have almost no textbooks or other teaching tools, they also lack of specialised ICT solutions but those little they do have proves to be indispensable. In the article we will present detailed results of our research and suggested improvements that will be introduced to the education of children with special needs in the future.

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