Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2008

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Motivation factors and competencies of students in online courses
Goran Bubas, SnjeA3ana Babic, Mario Jadric

Last modified: 2008-10-16


In comparison to traditional courses, e-learning and blended learning courses require somewhat different sets of skills and competencies from students. Information literacy skills, online communication and collaboration skills, time management skills, a greater degree of motivation, and use of specific learning strategies are among the most important factors for completion of online courses. However, the learning environment at the university and availability of Internet access may also influence the success of students in online courses. This paper analyzes the factors related to the competencies of students and their motivation to participate in online courses. Two empirical studies were performed and several competency and motivation factors were identified and discussed in the paper.

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