ISSN 1847-2001
e-ISSN 1848-2295

Student Poster Section 2014

Contribution of ICT in disabled sports in Croatia
Bagarić Tadija

Abstract Sports for people with disabilities as a systematic activity has been in Croatia for over 50 years. Since 1992 Croatian Paralympic Committee has been a member of International Stoke Mandeville Wheelchair Sports Federation, offering 26 sports in which Croatian athletes with disabilities can compete. Establishment of "Varaždin fencing club" in 2014 opens up a possibility for people with disabilities to engage in a new sport discipline in Croatia, 27th sport under Croatian Paralympic Committee - wheelchair fencing. In the domain of resocialization and integration of people with disabilities, building up self-confidence and the belief in abilities of one self is of utmost importance, especially for people whose disability didn't start with birth. However, unlike the situation in the international sport community, media in Croatia give very little, if any, attention to sport events with athletes with disabilities. The consequence is that the general public, including people with disabilities, are not aware of possibilities for engaging in sport activities around them, nor the results of our athletes with disabilities. Further more, it has a negative impact on the moral and motivation of athletes engaged in those sports because it makes those disciplines - and all effort these athletes make - look less important and less impressive. ICT can make a significant improvement of the current state of sports for people with disabilities in Croatia. With the rapid development of streaming technologies and the ease of use of World Wide Web in general, many new options have emerged that can, in a simple and easily available way, contribute to raising general awareness and, through that, embitter the process of inclusion and resocialization of people with disabilities. In Varaždin, sport program by the name "Wheelchair Fencing" will be conducted and evaluated after a duration of 12 months. The program will involve Web streaming of important events related to wheelchair fencing in Croatia. Empirical research in initial and final measurement points will be conducted among people with disabilities (athletes and non-athletes) on their opinion and intrinsic motivation related to wheelchair fencing as a sport and the notion of sports for people with disabilities as well as the media influence on its awareness level from general public. This research will contribute to best practices on the one hand, and increase visibility of sport activities of people with disabilities along with better informing the wider community in the scope of inclusion of people with disabilities, on the other hand.

Gender equality and the international labor market
Erić Maja

Abstract Gender equality in the world today is an important social issue which is of great importance. Often we are faced with a variety of discriminations both sexes, especially when it comes to professional orientation and promotion, and in terms of different specific benefits for members of one or other sex, division of the "masculine" and "feminine" and the invasion of individual's privacy in the selection of a specific job (for example, a review of women on family situation and future plans in this area). Today, the various mechanisms tend to influence the consciousness of society about the importance of gender equality, especially in a professional environment, and in some countries today is the struggle for water and some basic activities svakodevne the sex that has no equal (eg, women are not allowed to drive a car, you must to educate, etc.). There are many policies and incentives that seek to encourage both sides to encourage tolerance and equality, all in order to improve the life of every individual, and so the whole society.

Social sensitivity and willingness of young people for volunteering activities
Gazibara Svržnjak

Abstract Due to the competitiveness of the global market, the acquisition of new competencies and skills development are very important. Only formal education that young person receive is not enough to allow it to fulfill his or her objectives, whether private or b usiness. Also, in the community in which students work doesn't develop their social sensitivity. Volunteering and charity work helps in the development of social skills and local community. Social susceptibility is an individual skill that develops through professional and social skills. One way of developing social skills involvement in volunteer work. Volunteer work involves use of free time for socially useful purposes in order to achieve the general welfare. Willingness to help others, openness to new k nowledge and experiences, during which the individual strives for the achievement of the common good, some of the goals that are accomplished through volunteering and charity work. Also, in society there are people who need help in order to ensure their ba sic needs. Young students are ready, unless they want to acquire knowledge and competence to set aside time to help vulnerable groups of their society. Students want to develop their sociological side and build relationships in the society in which they op erate. The motivation that motivates them is to acquire new knowledge and professional skills and desire to help others in the community. Through our research we try to explore potential business sectors where students can turn on and develop necessary ski lls for labour market. The aim of the study was to examine whether students are ready or not to waive the material bene fits or profits arising out of their work. We also were examining how participants are motivated to perform their work which aims to acqu ire new knowledge and develop professional competence which they can involve as a part of curriculum vitae. Furthermore, we try to examine how they are ready for various forms of assistance to others, socially sensitivity. We aim to run our research online with help of online survey tool Google Docs which secures privacy of our pa rticipants where we expect around 100 participants

Communication in voluntary organizations
Milak Antonija

Abstract I conducted a research on a sample of 81 examinee. The questionnaire was filled out by volunteers aged 18 and older who are from Varaždin, Zagreb, Rijeka and Osijek. The survey was conducted using the Likert method, open-ended questions and questions with the possibility to choose multiple answers. The aim of the study was to investigate the mode of communication in voluntary organizations. Research was conducted to find out whether the communication is more efficient through social networks or direct contact. According to collected data, most respondents (52%) stated that for communication they use the social network site Facebook, but they also use Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Netlog and MySpace. About half of the respondents use social networks to create business contacts and good business cooperation. Over 80% of respondents use social networks to attract new members and to communicate with the target group. 91% use social networks to inform the public about the current events. Most respondents use social networks because they enable rapprochement with the target group and increase integration with the client. One group of respondents believe that communication is more effective through direct contact because the power of persuasion is greater and you can better understand the requirements of the other side, so there are no misunderstandings and it's easier to express ideas and elaborate plans. Another group believes that communication is more effective in a combination of social network with direct contact because via social networks you can perform operational tasks, so it saves time and money and promotional activities are more effective, while direct contact is more effective for strategic affairs and business decisions. Besides social networks, messaging programs are used too. The most used messaging program is Skype (50%) but programs like Google Talk, Yahoo, and ICQ are used as well. Despite the existence of various software tools only 24% of the meetings are held by the programming tools while 66% of respondents personally attend to the meeting. Volunteers use social networks because they are useful for communicating with the target group, for attracting new members and to inform the public about the current events, while direct contact is better for understanding requirements of the other side and it´s easier to express your ideas and work out your plans.

Organizational values in the example of food industry
Mitrović Ksenija

Abstract Markets today are saturated with all kinds of products and competition is stronger every day. Because of that, it is hard to stay competitive and that’s why organizational values are gaining in importance as a new tool for competitive advantage. Therefore, focus in this paper is placed on organizational values as a tool to increase motivation and, in the end, employee satisfaction. Managing by values as a new concept emphasizes importance of organizational values in every business activity. In other words, every important aspect of business (mission, vision, strategy) must be based on organizational values. In order to create such organizational climate, certain level of congruence between individual and organizational values must exist. Because of that, research of this congruence was conducted in one Food Company in Croatia. Research involved 30 respondents who answered to the questionnaire. The questionnaire was consistent of two sets of question. First set of questions contained 24 values for which respondents were asked to evaluate the importance of those values at individual level. Second set of questions contained same 24 values, but here they were supposed to evaluate importance of those values at organizational level. Since it is important that organizational values must be communicated with other stakeholders, another questionnaire was given to consumers of local food products. In this questionnaire, respondents were asked to evaluate importance of food industry, price affordability and indicate whether they think that local food products are healthy or not. Results have shown that, in that particular company, high congruence exists between most of the tested values. That indicates that similar situation should be in the rest of Croatian food industry. In survey among consumers, results have shown that local food products are in great extent considered healthy, but prices are not as much affordable as it may be expected. In the end, communication between company and other groups of interest should be present in a high degree, because only that way company can do business successfully and efficiently with maximized employee satisfaction and lowest negative consequences (absenteeism, low commitment etc.).

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