ISSN 1847-2001
e-ISSN 1848-2295

Student Poster Section 2012

Business negotiation in a process of globalization
Veronika Šegović

Abstract The process of globalization has marked the beginning of a new era. "How can we survive in this global playing field, and what can we do to run our businesses more effectively?"[1]. For successful international business it is important for the management of the company to develop capabilities and skills for success in international business negotiation, and not to ignore differences that are becoming more and more obvious with globalization development. „When business parties negotiate, the purpose is to influence the process so they can get a better deal than just accepting or rejecting whatthe other party is offering“. [2, 9] Because of the differences that are manifested in culture, language, way of negotiation, expectations, and many other variables, business negotiation in the process of globalization is far more complex than negotiating in the same environment.
To be able to meet with a real example of negotiation, an investigation was conducted in the form of questionnaire in which employees of an ICT company from Zagreb was participated. The intention of this investigation was to investigate and demonstrate using an example in which way does one company affront business negotiation, focusing on international negotiation.
Results have shown that all examinees have experience in business negotiations and they usually negotiate several times a month, while some of them negotiate even on a daily basis. The firm negotiates usually with local firms, but several times a month or several times a year they negotiate with companies in other countries. The efficacy of negotiations also depends on the strategy used in negotiating where the examinees listed principle, soft and positional negotiation as three most frequent strategies. An important factor is the preparation before the negotiations, and from the results we can see that all participants prepare themselves before negotiation almost every time. From the research we also find out that there are cultural differences that should always be considered while negotiating with foreign companies because negotiations depend on this differences. According to differences between negotiating with domestic and international negotiators, a higher level of professionalism and formality, but also a slower rate of decision making is found among the international negotiators.

SeeUs Project
Branko Rendulić, Anita Laktašić, Igor Mirković, Davor Stojanović, Zlatko Stapić

Abstract Today's technology and progress in the field of augmented reality provide excellent base for creating whole new way of perceiving our surroundings. We plan to present the idea of using augmented reality in various fields, mainly focusing on marketing, tourism and gaming industry. We would present our project SeeUs, augmented reality based mobile application which enables people to indirectly donate money to those in need.
Our idea is to combine the interests of three different groups of people: large companies which seek new ways of advertising, everyday people who are willing to help but don't know how, and people who need help. By using our solution companies would get new and interesting way of advertising through augmented reality interaction, everyday people would be able help the others just by sacrificing a little of their time, and everything would result in increase of money for charities which are helping those in need.
By placing some sort of unique label on the current marketing space (Microsoft Tag or QR Code), it's possible to enhance it with almost no cost, and at the same time offering new ways of interaction with the public. In contrast to old advertising billboards it's possible to create dynamic and interactive advertising areas which can be reused displaying a variety of different content without making any changes to advertising area. By scanning a unique label with his smartphone user triggers augmented reality, which manifests in a form of AR game, animation or survey. For example, with every successful scan user receives points and by combining several challenges user unlocks various achievements which represent the amount of attention user has donated for a good cause.
The problems for technology we use are device heating, shortage of some sensors in smartphones and processing demands, but because of the speed of smartphone development it becomes less of a problem. A final problem is that we must ensure that any image could easily become a marker, which results in the need for creating a variable platform which would be able to adopt any form of image and create a marker of it.
To sum up, just by donating some time and good will, at the same time enjoying playing games, collecting points and experiencing augmented reality, our solution offers people to make an impact on the world.

E-learning course design in Moodle for dyslexic students
Vlatka Sekovanić, Zvonko Podbojec

Abstract Dyslexia is, in its essence, a difference which makes the learning process harder. It could be considered a hindrance, but, on the other hand, because it is so specific, it offers great possibilities, clearer views and great accomplishments, as evidenced in the poster.
The treatment of students with dyslexia in the Croatian educational system was, until recently, extremely unfavorable, which affected their self-confidence and their further personal and professional development. This work is a result of the intent to bridge the gap in the learning process between dyslexic and other students.
Thus, the online course “Introduction to Programming” was created, with corresponding interactive e-learning materials which have been custom-tailored in order to use dyslexia’s strong suits to provide a better learning experience for dyslexic students.
The research hypothesis was confirmed in the work, using the think-aloud qualitative research method. Results of the qualitative research using the think-aloud method in the work corroborate the hypothesis – it is possible to create a very accessible e-learning course for dyslexic students, which offers a high degree of user experience.

Comparison of ERP system implementation methodologies
Ivana Kršćo

Abstract ERP, which stands for Enterprise Resource Planning, is tightly associated with software suites that include integrated business applications such as payroll, finance, order processing and other modules used to manage organizations. Implementation of an ERP system is more complex than stand-alone software in that all applications must share information, data definitions and rules. They also need to coordinate business processes. There are many approaches to ERP implementation, but they should all contain some key elements.
ERP implementation methodology involves the various processes and procedures, which constitute the condition or means for formulating the actual implementation of ERP projects. There are several ways for handling the project.
The ERP implementation methodology includes extensive services from the vendor. It is important for the companies to analyze each ERP implementation method, since the risk of failure in ERP implementation is existent and can be a highly expensive ordeal.
This comparison is based on three most popular methodologies, from the vendors Microsoft, Oracle and SAP. The elements for making this comparison between those methodologies are: implementation costs, implementation time, efficiency, user satisfaction and other.
Of many reasons to implement an ERP solution, the chief reason is the need for a common IT platform. Other reasons include a desire for process improvement, data visibility, operating cost reductions, increased responsiveness to customers and improvement in strategic decision-making.
This study shows that all three methodologies are very similar to each other, because they have the same functions that must be included in order to a successfull implementation. They have several differences, such as names of phases and they are slightly different in implementation cost duration.

FOI students awareness of the Lean startups, founding, financing and the role in the enterprises
Maja Lalić. Toni Lalić

Abstract The first research about Croatian startup scene was conducted during the March and April 2012. Within that research the students awareness of the Lean startups [3], founding, financing and the role in the enterprises at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics (FOI) in Varaždin was also analyzed. In accordance with this research the following hypothesis and research questions were set.
The hypothesis:
Graduate students at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics in Varaždin, University of Zagreb, have higher levels of knowledge about Lean startup companies than the undergraduate students and students from the professional studies.

Are we the Facebook generation
Antonija Milak, Mario Vrankovečki

Abstract We conducted a survey on a sample of 121 students of the Faculty of Organisation and Informatics. We analyzed the impact of Facebook page on the students of first year of the undergraduate studies in Varaždin. We got the opinion of our colleagues through a survey based on the Likert method.
According to the data, our respondents believe that the time spent on Facebook could be spent more useful. A significant portion of respondents preferred communication "face to face" in comparison to Facebook. A large percentage (62%) of respondents considered that the use of Facebook pages became part of their everyday life. They consider that Facebook helps them make new friends. 83% of respondents do not consider their Facebook buddies real friends. Our study shows that a significant number of respondents felt a certain level of concern for the safety of their own data using Facebook. Discomfort steams from the fear that private information could be available to others without their consent. Our respondents were not fully convinced of the veracity and relevance of information obtained through Facebook. A clear majority of respondents considered that publications on Facebook do not affect their views. Most respondents considered the use of Facebook pages to be an essential part of their everyday life. They find that time spent on Facebook could be better used, but are still forced to use it for communication between acquaintances, family and friends. Using Facebook provides cheaper, easier and faster ways to gather different information. People accept the relevance and accuracy of information with a touch of skepticism.
Facebook is omnipresent tool for student communication. It is free and easy to use. People show great commitment to using Facebook even though they are aware of the negative sides of this social network. Despite the fact that Facebook has its negative sides, people show great devotion given to social network because of the many benefits that go beyond the negative aspects of social networks..

The Main Reasons of Using the Internet Among 5th – 8th Grade Children
Sana Đukes

Abstract At this moment more than one million children around the world are using the Internet. And while children's Ombudsman, psychologists and teachers are discussing whether it is properly or not that children use the computer from an early age, at the same time parents are buying them new smartphones, notebooks and tablets. Although cyber world has a lot of advantages in terms of educations and communication, we have to be very careful because there are also many disadvantages: exposure to inappropriate content, Internet addiction, neglect of learning, the avoidance of personal contact, privacy threats and verbal harassment (hate speech, discrimination).
In order to examine students' attitudes about the reasons of using the Internet, a survey was conducted via an anonymous questionnaire on the sample of 111 5th-8th grade children, students of Second Primary School Čakovec (F=50,45%, M=49,55%). 24 respondents were attendants of 5th grade, 12 of 6th grade, 36 of 7th grade and 39 of 8th grade. Firstly I wanted to investigate a rate of computer ownership and Internet access in the home of respondents, secondly the time spent online and main reasons of using the Internet. Finally, the goal was to explore students' view about the impact of time spent online on their grades and school activities.
Some of the more interesting results are the following:
  • 93% of respondents have access to the Internet at home
  • 90% of respondents have a profile on a social networks
  • Internet is used primarily for the networking and entertainment and on the 3rd place is education and learning.
Therefore, it is possible to conclude that the population of respondents between 11 and 14 primarily use Internet for social networking, what was expected because this Internet service is becoming more and more popular not only among teenagers but also among their parents. However, the troubling fact is that many children do not recognize disadvantages of the Internet. For this reason, it is necessary to implement education about electronic violence and the culture of behavior, as well as individual conversation and occasional parental supervising.

Equality on labor market in Croatia
Emina Zanjko

Abstract Throughout the centuries we face discrimination, prejudices and stereotypes in many different forms in our working places, schools, in our family homes, at our friends, on the street and so on. That is why more and more attention is dedicated to equality. I am very interested in problem of equality so I decided to carry out a research on that subject. The question is, are we all equal, especially women, men, older persons, persons with disabilities and strangers, when trying to find an employment to secure our existence.
The data used for this research are collected with the help of structural survey. From the examinees was asked to express their agreement or disagreement with the claim. Examinees had to express the stage of their agreement with each claim on a Lickert scale of five degrees. Participation in this survey was voluntarily and anonymous. The sample of examinees was 50.
Most of examinees in the research consider that men and women do not have equal status on their working place and in society and do not have equal opportunities for employment. They also consider that women like men are more suitable for some jobs. Half of examinees consider that men and women are not equally paid for the same job.

Lifelong learning: higher education popularization ("Graduate Persuit Mystery Cards")
Ksenija Kocijan

Abstract Lifelong learning is a form of deliberate learning that occurs throughout each person’s lifetime.1 Completing only the formal part of education is not enough. If we want to stay in touch with new events and discoveries lifelong learning becomes inevitable.
As a part of this student’s poster section I volunteered with my colleges in three different high schools in Varaždin. This volunteering was carried out with the collaboration of the Canadian Post Secondary Access Partnership, YMCA of Greater form Toronto. The main goal was to encourage students to continue their formal education in college. Before volunteering we had to go through an on - line education where we were given materials called “Graduate Persuit Mystery Cards”. On - line education was held by Adela Colhon, a manager in National Programs, YMCA, and coauthor of this game is Mr. Dan Wise. After finishing the education we used those materials for playing with students in classrooms. This poster’s main accent is on students’ reactions after finishing the game, when students had to answer a few questions about what they have learned throughout this game, are they interested in continuing their formal education and so on.
All students reacted very positively; they all liked the game and were interested in continuing their formal education. They all said that it would be great if the younger students also had the opportunity to play the game.
There were some smaller problems with cards due to different school systems in Canada and in Croatia. For example students in Canada can choose between career colleges, community colleges, universities and graduate schools which is not the case in Croatia, so we had to adjust some cards to fit our school system but that was not a big issue.

Corporate Governance Practices and Firm Performance measured by Croatian Corporate Governance Index (CCGI®)
IvanaĐunđek, Korent Dina

Abstract The area of corporate governance determines the way in which corporation is managed and monitored. Main issue of this paper is to investigate whether there is a correlation between company performance and corporate governance practices of the same, while the general objective is to set up regression models of the company success measured by Tobin'sQ and corporate governance practices measured by Croatian Corporate Governance Index. Data used for processing the topic were from secondary sources, mostly expert books and articles on corporate governance, as well available annual questionnaires codexes of corporate governance for the period of 2007-2010.
In the first part of the paper is in detail defined the problem of the research, and then objectives as well as hypotheses. Below is given a theoretical frameworkof corporate governance issues and a review of parts of the works of previous theoretical and empirical research on the studied topic. Next, it is explained the methodology of research and specified the expected scientific contribution of the same. After defining the methodology and anticipated scientific contributions in the paper are presented results, limitations of this study and recommendations for further research. Results obtained in this research indicate that corporate governance is an important factor in explaining business performance of Croatian companies listedin the index CROBEX®.

The popularization of higher education in secondary schools
Alenka Bencek

Abstract The importance of popularizing higher education today is becoming even greater. In times of global crisis, high unemployment and continuous reduction in economic growth it is essential that there are many qualified people who can fight against these adverse changes. For that reason it takes people graduating from high school to show how higher education works, what their future possibilities are and what should they do for themselves, but also the entire society to ensure a better future.
The best known ways to popularize higher education among high school students are, for example, open days at universities, website of various faculties’, forums, classes etc. But in addition, it is necessary to take some other measures that include good way of communicating that will accept specific populations of high school students.
One of these modes is didactic tool developed by Adela Colhon and Dan Wise from Toronto in Canada. This unique didactic tool, which includes all the features of a fun board game: cards, dice, game pieces and the board, has, until now, been used exclusively in Canada to promote the message of post-secondary education to underrepresented groups.
Presented for the first time at the 2010 Stockholm Conference EAN it has resulted in the collaboration with the University of Zagreb, to adapt it for Croatia. So this year for the first time this tool was used for the popularization of higher education among Croatian high school students with the help of volunteers from the faculty.
Also, this tool will be used in future in other countries and participants will have the opportunity to see, play and explore this tool. The issues here are how to connect faculty with secondary schools? How to point out the importance of mutual cooperation and to teach them to realize the benefits that may arise from it? In what ways continue to encourage high school students to enroll in college? Does this tool may be adapted for different professions to be as convenient or be used in combination with other tools, etc. Based on the answers to these questions can be found guidelines for the design of popularization of higher education.

Students’ Perspectives on Redefining Boundaries for Global Collaborations: International Student Research Symposium
Ozren Krpan, Alen Delić

Abstract International Student Research Symposium is an international conference which is the result of the collaboration between the University of Central Florida and the Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb.
University of Central Florida is the second largest university in the United States which has a large number of transfer and first-generation students. The holder of the activities is the McNair Scholars Program, a federal TRIO program funded by the U.S. Department of Education the program is designed to prepare undergraduate students for doctoral studies true involvement in research and other scholarly activities. The organization involved from the other side is the Faculty of Organization and Informatics (University of Zagreb) from Varaždin, which is the leading Croatian higher education institution in the research of applied Information Science, as well as in education of IT professionals.
The poster presents all previous and future phases of collaboration, which includes study abroad programs, online collaborations and other student activities. There are six main project goals and objectives defined for the conference: to allow students to gain presentation experience, to allow sharing of ongoing research projects, to allow students to represent their departments and universities, to give students the opportunity to create new connections / network of people in the new / opened environment, expose students to use of new technologies and ways of communication and to provide additional value to student academic experiences.
Throughout all the phases of collaboration, research is being conducted, in order to see how participants perceive their activities. Both students and faculty from UCF and FOI were questioned and/or interviewed after each activity that was held. Results are always used in order to improve the quality of the collaboration. Some results that might be interested for the audience and not just for the organizers are presented in the poster.
It is also illustrated in the poster how the experience of participating in the collaboration introduced student participants and their families to new instructional technologies and global communication.
The poster also presents students’ perspectives on why they should participate in those kinds of collaborations and how the research results should be used in order to fulfill student requirements.

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