ISSN 1847-2001
e-ISSN 1848-2295

FOI student's posters 2011


Simplifying the use of risk assessment methods with the regionalization of threats to the information system
Dino Alagić, Vedran Branković, Mario Vagner

Abstract In today's market circumstances, the inevitable fact is that more and more growing portion of business is being conducted with the support of information systems. With its greater use comes a greater security risk that threatens them. Therefore, information security is not just a need, it’s a necessity. To insure its safety, companies must conduct security risk assessments for their information systems. Risk assessment is the key to achieving the principal goal of an organization’s risk management process: to protect the organization and its ability to perform their mission, not just its IT assets. Through research conducted in this paper, comparison of methods for risk assessment, and selection of the most appropriate methods has been made. Octave Allegro method was chosen as the best for achieving the goals of this paper for its accessibility, freedom to make changes and usability. Through the second part of the paper we created the first Croatian publicly available catalogue of security attacks and threats, which was then integrated into the application that was developed within this research. This web application is available for everyone to use free of charge and has been released as an open source software. It's special system to help users has made security risk assessment easier for information security experts and for users with the basic knowledge needed for risk assessment. The ultimate goal of this paper is to contribute to the potential increase of levels of concern about security in companies through increasing awareness for security of the responsible persons in the organization. Levels of concern about the security in companies are very low, which can be proven by the fact that a very small percentage of companies in Croatia have world-wide recognized certificates that concern the security of information systems. Through all of the above all necessary conditions for achieving the greater level of security in information systems are created.

Communication in humanitarian organizations
Alenka Bencek

Abstract The development of humanitarian organizations started with the beginning of war, and has developed intensively during 1992. and 1993., motivated by strong desire by many people to help the victims of war. Those organisations were usually founded by a group of volunteers, and they have started to get actually organized after the Law of humanitarian aid was passed on 05.10.2010. The dealings of humanitarian organizations are mostly defined by this Law, which is in effect since 01.07.2011. By providing their free time, knowledge, experience and energy to those in need, citizens make a great impact on the community they live in, as well as the society as a whole. Ehtic code of volunteering serves the purpose of increasing the understanding and adhering to principles and standards of performance of everyday volunteering tasks. To get the data for this research, there were 4 people interviewed; three of them students, and one employee. The interview showed that there is a lack of volunteering centers, humanitarian organisations and associations which would be dealing with organisation of volunteering work, as well as educational programs for volunteers, and so on. The development of such organisations should be encouraged, and people should be educated in that sense, since that is the way to bring people to be more inclined to help. Also, the idea of volunteering should be promoted, and the media should be included in such program, since such a concept is largely marginalized in Croatia today. One big problem in getting young people to volunteer is the lack of support, mainly by the parents. Sometimes people even react negatively to the idea of volunteering, to the extent of trying to prevent their friends and family from geting involved in „a work that a person isn't paid for, and is therefore a waste of time.“ To conclude, the problem lies in lack of awareness and many misconceptions about volunteering and humanitarian work. In Croatia volunteering is still not considered "popular" and that is what needs to be changed. We must begin to appreciate volunteers and give them a larger place in society.

Integration of Windows Phone 7 application with Azure Cloud using CSLA.Net Business Logic
Matija Besednik, Ivan Curić, Kristijan Kralj, Kristina Samošćanec

Abstract The functionalities of mobile applications that are intended to end users and mobile business applications of the new generation are largely based on the use of resources and services available on the Internet. It is particularly interesting to see how is the development of applications that are supported by a cloud also increasingly present in the perspective of mobile applications. However, a specific domain in this area remains a significantly unspecified and unexplored, and it is about the architectural separation of business logic layer aligned with mentioned integration. This work, as one of the first in the field, shows the essential elements of the integration of Windows Phone 7 applications and the cloud backend infrastructure using separated business logic implemented in the CSLA.Net framework. Windows Phone 7 is a new Microsoft operational system for smartphones intended for ordinary users and the development of applications and entertainment content. Windows Azure is a computer cloud which can provide different models of services and access to resources "on demand" via the Internet. CSLA.Net framework is used for easier and faster development of the business layer applications. There are certain advantages and disadvantages of this type of integration. Advantages are thin client released from unnecessary data processing and focused on rich user interface layout. Since the client layer contains only the design of application, and all data processing takes place on the cloud, there is no need for each client to download latest updates for application. Instead only server side of application is updated. Disadvantages are complex development of business logic which requires huge time and human resources, and there are rare quality implementation scenarios. Integration of Windows Phone 7 application with Azure cloud using CSLA.Net business logic is implemented in project CoGo. The idea of mutual sharing of personal transport called carpooling or ridesharing is realized in a new way on WP7 smartphone, allowing instant communication and user interaction. The principle of transport is based on the capabilities of supply and demand of transport by WP7 mobile application and Silverlight web application to a specific location.

Overview of Methodological Background And Practical Use of the ELECTRE Method
Ivan Dvorski

Abstract Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), Multi-Criteria Decision Making or Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) is a broad term related to the theory of decision making. It implies a concept or approach for modeling complex problems related to decision making. Also, the MCDM / MCDA may refer to the methods and techniques which, through its own algorithms (methodologies), help the decision makers to solve the decision problem. Decision- making system is called decision-making process, and it includes all activities and participants who are connected with the decision problem and its solution. ELECTRE methods are extremely significant "tools" for decision problem solving. They belong to a domain of multi-attribute decision making, precisely, to a set of outranking methods. They were proposed in the sixties of the previous century [11, 134]. A basic version of the method (ELECTRE I) was designed by Bernard Roy for a consulting firm "SEMA", which is still active [11, 134]. From its origin, ELECTRE spurred great interest among many European scientists. Given the relative youth of the science of decision making, Roy very early recognized that in real decision-making circumstances, situations where it is impossible to define strict mathematical dominance of one alternative over another are very often [10, 52]. This kind of problem has prompted Roy to devise a potential solution, which was made in the form of ELECTRE methods. Over the years, ELECTRE method has been intensively developed and adapted for the purpose of solving real problems of decision making. The most important application of ELECTRE methods can be seen in agriculture, environmental management, finance, project selection, employment, transportation and many other economic areas [10, 52]. Broad application potential of the method has prompted many researchers to study and further develop the ELECTRE methods and its hybrid forms and modifications. This paper deals with the ELECTRE methods, their historical development, characteristics and significance in practice. Some real-world implementations and hybrid concepts of ELECTRE methods are also considered and reviewed, as well as independently developed, a simple spreadsheet implementation of ELECTRE I method on the specific business case

Widening participation and information fluency
Tomislav Jakopec, Alen Delić

Abstract Higher education systems worldwide are facing a major problem – the structure of students that attend courses at institutions that provide higher education (institutions that an individual can attend after finishing high school) is beyond the level of suitability to our society. Currently, not everyone in the world has equal opportunities to participate in higher education, which they could potentially benefit from. Not only do such student structures have a bad effect on the educational system, but they also lead to other problems in the society, such as the lack of a social justice and an unfair economic competitiveness, and the progress of the entire global community as well. In order to change these structures and avoid the problems we could, or already do, face in our society, governments and educational organizations worldwide should take an effort and start acting with various programs and strategies that would ensure the achieving of a common-set goal. The changing of the student structure to provide better results is commonly known as “widening participation”. It is quite logical that one of the core processes of widening participation is “Information and intelligence”, considering the fact that we live in a digital age, in which information is rapidly spread. If basic principles of information fluency were implemented and carefully combined with the principles of widening participation, the final result would definitely be a better higher education system with a more diverse student structure, but eventually we would also be witnesses of an advanced, more improved society. For a better understanding of the subject that we are writing about, we have provided a map which shows the connections and relationships between society, higher education, widening participation and information fluency. Understanding the theory of mentioned problems is a foundation for creation of specific activities that would lead to actions, which would finally lead to the solution of the problems. We plan to thoroughly cover specific plans in our project that already exist in different organizations that have focused on dealing with these issues.

Intercultural communication in international surrounding
Ksenija Kocijan

Abstract As a part of my final work, I carried out a research about intercultural communication. Knowing how to communicate is very important in our private, and also in our business life. When communicating with other cultures foreign language can help us; but that is only a tip of the ice berg and underneath is a lot of other important factors, such as, stiles of dress, power distance, disabilities, and so on. The goal of my research was to find out how much are students interested in working overseas, how they would evaluate their knowledge of a foreign language, and to find out something about their experience with communicating to other cultures. The research was carried out by a structured questionnaire and consists of ten questions. Examinees had to choose one answer from five offered. Questionnaire had three parts; the first part was related to examinees desire for working overseas, and they had to choose in which country they would like to work in. In the second part they had to rate their knowledge of one foreign language, and the third part was related to information about other cultures, and some embarrassing situations they had to go through because of a lack of information about communication with different cultures. After the research was carried out, I came to some interesting results. Most examinees wanted to go working overseas, mostly to USA. The fact that most of examinees picked USA doesn't surprise because more than half examinees learned English as a first foreign language, and most of them marked their knowledge as very good. But what it concerns, is that almost all of the examinees rated their knowledge about other cultures as mediocre and they sometimes found themselves in embarrassing situation because of it; but they are ready to take a challenge and go working overseas. Also, most of the examinees consider Croatia to be a country where other cultures are well accepted. Due to the fact that the world has become a global village interaction with other cultures is inevitable and we should realize the importance on communication in our business success.

Overview of Knowledge Society and Innovations in Croatia
Maja Lalić

Abstract Since knowledge and innovations lead us into the future, my final paper explored the development of innovations in Croatia. Today, more than ever before, innovators can express their ideas and implement them because modern information technology enables rapid development of new working processes and work quality. [2] In Croatia, the cooperation of science, universities and industry is very poor, disorganized and insufficiently stimulated. It is all in contradiction to the trends of the new knowledge production and innovation system concept as an integration of scientific and industrial policy. [3] In Croatia, there are not enough centers for technology sharing, university offices for licensing/patenting or technology and innovation centers. In the organization of scientific work and its evaluation, measures to promote new technological innovations like scientific progress based on technological results, such as patents or projects with the industry, are not provided. There is a lack of specialized financial institutions to stimulate innovations and knowledge-based businesses (venture capital and various government support schemes are some of them). Croatian bureaucracy is also a big problem and the main hindrance in Croatia is administrative red tape and the inability to obtain credit and financial resources. [4] National Innovation System (NIS) is defined as a network of public and private institutions that finance or develop and translate scientific research results into commercial innovation and in that way impact on the spread of new technologies. NIS is slowly finding its place in Croatia. [4] Except the NIS there is also a BICRO (Business Innovation Center) which acts as the central institution for the development and promotion of innovation and technology system in Croatia. [1] As a final conclusion based on a good practice (Dok-ing - one of the most successful and influential company in Croatia which is focused on the development of innovations and whose products are exported all over the world) Croatia should work on cooperation between science and economy to help our research and development (R&D) sector in the economy to become closer to the new techno-economic paradigm better known as the knowledge economy.

Presentation Skills
Tomislav Margetić

Abstract The subject of this study are presentation skills. In this work are indicated all steps for making a successful presentation, including planning and preparing presentation, presentation structure, skills and techniques, presenter and audience. Second part of this work are refered to the research that have been made into one insurance company. Research was made by using online survey, which have completed a 72 employees. Online survey contains 22 different questions, about type and duration of presentation in their company, number of listeners during the presentation, certain characteristics, such as dynamic, understandable, interesting, relevant information, visibility and quality of presentation. Result of research indicates that people doesn't spend enough time for making and preparing a presentation. Presentation should be more often, and the main idea of presentation in most case is wrong, because everything is based on money, how to increase a budget, but not how to make client more happier and new way how to sell a product. In the end they are some guidelines for increasing effectiveness of presentation in insurance company.

Communication skills as an important factor in student mobility programs
Katarina Pažur

Abstract In today’s era of globalization, cultural diversities are evident in many parts of human activities. In the context of higher education, “which has a marked capacity to cross the boundaries of nation-states” [1], they are mostly present in student mobility programs. This research put the emphasis on communication skills as one of the critical human skills for the successful international collaboration [2]. The main goal of this research is to determine whether participation in mobility programs has an impact on students' perception of the other cultures and communication in multicultural environment. The specific goal is to explore whether participation in mobility programs contributes to improving students' communication skills with the people from other cultures. For the purpose of this research, a study was conducted amongst students at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics in Varaždin. A questionnaire, which divided into six parts, was created by the author. This research was mainly interested in determining whether there is a difference in the attitudes of students who, during their studies, have participated in any kind of student mobility programs and those who have not. Interesting results have been obtained and some of the general outcomes are as follows: students who have participated in any kind of mobility programs shows greater interest and respect for the values and customs of other cultures. As well, they consider communication with people from other cultures less problematic than students who have never participated in exchange programs. A significant difference has been recognized between these two groups of students in considering communication skills as a barrier for participating in mobility programs. To summarize, results show the significant difference in students’ attitudes toward cultural diversities and communication in multicultural environment, considering their experience with the student mobility. Results from this research could be used to find suggestions for improvement of students' understanding of the other cultures and their better preparation for life and communication in multicultural environment, in order to popularize student mobility programs as one of the most beneficial student's activity.

ViSA: Visualization of Sorting Algorithms
Ivan Reif

Abstract Novice programmers worldwide attending different information or computer science colleges find it difficult to understand and learn new programming languages including a vast variety of algorithms. There are a number of different tools aimed for teaching programming among which the most efficient are visualization tools. Visualization tools as a teaching aid have proven to be very useful because they allow novice programmers to see how the algorithm works in a real time. However, current tools are too complex and instead of focusing on gaining programming skills, novices have to spend a lot of time learning how to use a tool. In addition, existing tools are mostly focused on the visualization of general programming concepts whereas sorting algorithms are mostly neglected. Given that sorting algorithms are important part of the basic knowledge that every novice programmer needs to possess, we propose a novel tool with an aim to facilitate their understanding. With a several different features, such as step by step algorithm explanation, simultaneous visualization of two or more different algorithms and efficiency analysis, ViSA allows students to learn complex algorithms in much faster and easier way.

Impact of Social Networks on Student Council FOI Communication with Students
Ozano Rokov, Bogdan Okreša Đurić

Abstract Through their activities in the Student Council at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics (SC), the Authors have had the opportunity to observe and understand the impact of social networks (e.g. Facebook and Flickr) on the way SC communicates with students and the community, but the effect of this communication as well. Online social networks are a medium of yet unparalleled communication opportunities. Never before has publishing and consuming multimedia content been so easy, fast and affordable. These new technologies enable us to connect to a great number of content users, and grant us access to vast amount of information, something almost impossible a couple of decades ago. Using this new medium we also gain improved content accessibility and delivery speed, multimedia coverage and analytic services. SC has started using social networks (Facebook and Flickr) at the end of 2010. Facebook proved itself as a perfect medium for keeping our target audience informed, because it allows us to observe the intensity of published information through feedback and to see the number of Facebook users following our SC page, letting us know how many people are willing to receive our news, and it provides us with statistical data ready for further analysis. The other social network SC uses is Flickr, as the main way of distributing multimedia. Apart from the simple and elegant multimedia content publishing process and a friendly user interface for content consumers, Flickr gives us useful statistical data. Through this research, we would like to analyze all the data available from these social networks so as to see how these online social networks worked for our cause of informing and activating students. We want to understand what type of published information have our users liked, which news have helped them, which have started a discussion, and if there were published information which was bad for image of the SC. Furthermore, through a survey, we are going to analyze if this online communication was useful in real life. Comparing these results to past SC members’ achievements will provide us with valuable information on how social networks application improved SC’s activity perception amongst students, and which, if any, organization benefits have been gained.

Contemporary Croatian family in a statistical framework
Vlatka Sekovanić

Abstract A work is dealing with very current issues concerning contemporary family which is going trough numerous transformations on its way from traditional family of our grandparents. On that way family had to scope and deal with wars, disease, emigrations, hard economic situations, invention of contraception, aspiration for prolonged education and making a career, delayed accessing to marriage union, and increasing divorces. All mentioned is a reason for immanent decrease of natality which reflects on overall ageing of population. Long-lasting exposure of family to all these unfavorable influences has resulted by vulnerable family and mass phenomenon of earlier marginal forms of family, such as single- parent families, single families, recombined families, cohabitation, same sex civil unions. Why is that important? Beside the fact that family has fundamental importance for every individual, it is also a nucleus of every society. All demographic processes are connected to micro processes which take place on the level of a family. Size of population and its quality determines dynamic and quality of social, economic, culture and every other view of development of society. Results of analysis of relevant statistical data on the level of Varaţdin County in the period from 1970 till 2010 confirm catastrophic demographic movements concerning immanent decrease of natality, increasing age of accessing to marriage (grooms average are 30 years old, brides 26, divorces are the most frequent at the age between 30 and 39), decreasing number of marriages and increasing number of divorces (every fifth marriage is divorced in Varaţdin County, every third in the town of Varaţdin, average duration of marriage is 13 years). The age of the first accouchement is shifted from 24 to 28 years of a mothers age and families with more children are disappearing. Numerous analytical data confirm the appearance of aging the population of Varaţdin County. Changes and disorders in demographic development reflect on dynamic and direction of social-economic development and vice versa. Seriousness of the observed situation is described nicely by words: „ Society which skimps on children closes its future.“ (J. Bozanić)

„Treat me like an officer – Don't treat Me like a female“: Gendered workplace assignment among correctional officers
Kristen Warren

Abstract Over the past thirty years, women have become a growing presence in what historically has been deemed a ―man’s world‖ [3, 1]. Nevertheless, they still face resistance from their male counterparts [3]. The study is guided by Joan Acker’s [1] theory of the gendered organization, which provides an explanation of how complex and interwoven micro and macro social processes underpin the prison as a gendered workplace and correctional officer as a gendered occupation [1]. It builds upon Acker’s [1] theory by demonstrating how inclusion or exclusion can result from multiple gendered processes reinforcing one another within the prison workplace. Inclusion or exclusion can exist on several dimensions, such as in ―how [workers] are welcomed, trained, assigned, retained, promoted, and otherwise given the opportunity to thrive‖ [7, 189]. This cross-sectional, qualitative study used semi-structured interviews (N = 27) to examine how correctional officers’ gender and the prison’s custody grade affect their perceptions of their inclusion and exclusion in the workplace. Specifically, this investigation of correctional officers from two men’s state prisons in the Southeast United States found that, with regard to work assignments, various gendered processes serve to exclude females. The prison is an environment where ―proving‖ oneself as a competent officer often involves demonstrating prowess in a use-of-force situation. Yet, male and female officers seldom consider women an asset when the job requires physically handling inmates; as a result, females are rarely given the opportunity to challenge this perception. By placing only certain females on the emergency response teams (i.e., squads that are activated in case use-of-force is needed), shift supervisors reinforce the gender stereotype that being a correctional officer is a ―man’s job‖ [11, 206]. They also create a vicious circle in which only certain females gain practice in handling those situations. Their actions exacerbate the belief that women who effectively use force are the exception, not the norm. These gendered processes contribute to female officers being excluded within the prison workplace, as is clearly illustrated in the female officer’s plea, ―Treat me like an officer—don’t treat me like a female.‖

Communication with persons with disabilities
Emina Zanjko

Abstract Today, a lot of importance is given to accepting all kinds of differences, and also to persons with disabilities. I was wondering, what kind of attitudes to people in Croatia have towards people with physical disabilities, especially in time when advantage is given to physically active, working capable individuals. So, I decided to carry out a research with a goal to determine opinion of people towards other people with disabilities, and the way they feel when meeting them. The data was collected by structured questionnaires. Examinees had to express their agreement or disagreement, apropos a degree of agreement or disagreement to a certain fact in averment. The degree of agreement with each averment was expressed on a likert scale which contains five different degrees. Questionnaire was voluntary and anonymous. It contained from two parts. The first part had averments in which examinees expressed their opinion about persons with disabilities, and the second part had averments about feelings when communicating with them. The sample of examinees was 50. After doing the research, I noticed that most of the examinees have positive attitude toward persons with disabilities, and they accept their difference; there are also some examinees that still have prejudices, but they make a minority. In order to accept and realise that persons with disabilities are equal to all of human beings, it is very important to communicate. Good communication decreases discomfort in interaction with persons with disabilities, it affects changing stereotype, and getting more positive attitudes towards them. Examinees that have experience in communication with persons with physical disabilities, feel more comfortable their company because they have learned how to establish a better communication with them. By starting different kinds of gatherings and integrative programs in a local communion, you have a better chance to set people free of fear they have toward persons with physical disabilities, and more contact should encourage and improve friendships among different groups. An attempt to change stigmatization is not simple and is very slow, but it is important to take action on individual and intergroup levels. Systematically informing, and especially direct experience, and with education of young people we can have a great influence on forming awareness and building attitudes to accepting persons with disabilities.

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