Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2013

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Information architecture and credibility of medical service provider website
Dijana Grd, Valentina Kirinić

Last modified: 2013-07-19


There are many kind of websites dealing with health services and health (medical) information: from those intended for (prospective) professionals e.g. websites of medical schools, universities, health professions associations, medical search engines, …, to those intended for patients and other interested people e.g. public health portals, web database directories of medical doctors, websites of medical clinics, health centers and private medical practitioners, ... Besides delivering quality medical service, quality website – its information infrastructure and information content help to gain business success.

Usage of the websites mentioned above (its information and services offered) is directly influenced by credibility and trust of prospective and existing users, customers and patients.

Users of those websites perceive its credibility and trust them based on some websites information architecture elements.

In this paper expectations and requirements of users regarding web information architecture elements and some examples of typical medical service provider website information architectures are discussed.