Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2013

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Dependencies of File System Cluster Size in Correlation with Database Management System
Tin Kramberger, Davor Cafuta, Ivica Dodig

Last modified: 2013-07-17


Databases represent core in many software solutions. Features required by software applications for database management systems include fast response, reliability and fault tolerance. It could be suspected that the file system as primary layer of a database management system can affect database management system performance on every computer system, especially on computer systems with an inferior hardware. Database performance does not depend primarily on the type of file system, but also on preferences like cluster size, implemented cache strategy and applied fault tolerance. It can be assumed that these dependences are proportional on different types of file systems. Several measurements are presented showing correlation of the cluster size on database performance in different file system type surroundings using PostgreSQL. With results obtained by measurements, one should be able to determine which of the measured file systems in correlation with cluster size should be implemented in simple computing solutions like embedded systems due to their inferior computing power.