Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2010

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Applying AI-techniques as Help for Faculty Administration - A Case Study
Marko Čupić, Marin Golub, Domagoj Jakobović

Last modified: 2010-07-22


In medium and large faculties, there are many complex organizational issues that need to be solved - lecture, laboratory and exam scheduling, just to name some. Lecture scheduling, course enrollment administration and assignment of students into lecture groups are three interdependent processes. The order in which they are solved will have significant influence on students' ability to take elective courses. Allocation of rooms for exams is another example of important task, especially with densely populated terms in which available room capacities are nearly exhausted. In this paper we will show two such problems successfully tackled by genetic algorithms: division of late-enrolled students into lecture groups, and creation of room schedule for examinations. Both of those problems are extremely hard to solve by hand. The former influences the ability of late-enrolled students to attend lectures of enrolled courses. The latter can have significant influence on a number of teaching staff needed for student examination. These problems were successfully solved for instances with several thousands of students and more than hundred of courses in Bachelor and Master programme.

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