Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2010

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Community oriented system for information aggregation based on a template operated HTML wrapper
Ivan Kljaic, Jurica Ševa, Mark Čipčić

Last modified: 2010-07-15


The definition of information crisis notices the problem of the information age: too much information which in return makes it hard to get to the needed information when needed. Almost every Internet user has experienced this effect of redundant amount of information delivered to him that can cause missing out on the needed information as well as repetition of already digested information. The gathering of information also includes data aggregation from more than one source which causes repetition of already seen information.
In this paper we present a system that uses a user friendly method for the creation of website templates which define a HTML wrapper. Such system serves as information backbone for other developers which want to use data from other websites that do not offer any APIs. The possibilities of such a system are limitless for today's Semantic Web applications as well extended media Services.

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