Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2010

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Design of a Mobile, Context-Aware Sales Approach for Campaign-oriented Undertakings
Wolfgang Lanzer, Martin Schumann

Last modified: 2010-07-09


In recent years, many mobile services have been developed to use context-aware pieces of information. More or less systematically services with different context-aware peculiarities have been pushed to meet demands for certain audiences. Enterprises partly picked up those services for their campaign ambitions, without following a sufficient theoretical framework though.

Such a framework is indispensable, since there exist various factors of influence which affect the choice for an appropriate consumer segmentation and market cultivation strategy.

In order to reach a decision in this regard different time- and place-sensitive mechanisms will be identified and evaluated in this paper in consideration of their business relevance for campaign undertakings. On the basis of an enterprise and consumer objective construct promising use cases for a context-aware sales approach will be drawn and different views of notice for an enterprise as well as exemplary application fields will be disclosed.

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