Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2009

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Analysis of characteristic of sectors on Zagreb stock exchange by fundamental estimators
Robert Fabac, Jasminka Dobša, Nikola Kadoić

Last modified: 2009-08-24


In the paper characteristics of ZSE stocks pertaining to the same sectors are analyzed by means of their basic fundamental estimators (such as P/E and P/Bv ratios). The most volatile sectors of banking, transportation, construction etc., will be analyzed and compared by means of statistical methods: principal components analysis and analysis of variance. Our aim is to analyze movements on the stock market in the period before the recent economic crises in order to identify certain regularities in stocks price evaluation as well as indicators of the forthcoming crises. The hypothesis is that evaluations of the stocks pertaining to specific sectors were asymmetrical in terms of fundamental indicators and related future projections.

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