Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2009

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Surveillance video credibility and authenticity
Adam Stančić, Ivan Grgurević

Last modified: 2009-09-08


Video surveillance system is a crucial component of a modern intelligent traffic system.. Manipulation and utilization of the stored digital video file is very easy and fast which is a great advantage when compared to the classic analogue surveillance systems. On the other hand these have great impact on other very important surveillance video properties - credibility and authenticity. Without these features, the captured surveillance video can be interpreted only as a visual description of the situation at the observed location. The assurance of credibility and authenticity transforms the surveillance video record into a trustworthy source of data and information. That provides the possibility of research and utilization of the surveillance video record to all subjects who are involved in traffic surveillance and security.

This paper will demonstrate the possible process of the treatment of the captured surveillance video record processing. The evidence of credibility and authenticity is based on the process of digital signature for each surveillance video frame. All digital signatures are stored in a database which enables comparison, query and search operations between them. The entire process will be implemented with open-source, freeware and shareware applications for Microsoft Windows and Linux (Ubuntu distribution) operating systems.

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