ISSN 1847-2001
e-ISSN 1848-2295

Student Poster Section 2015

Use of smart devices by population aged 55 and more
Antonio Benković, Patricija Beneta, Petra Biškup

Abstract The mobile communication market provides us with new smart devices almost every day. Today, in the mobile shops we can find less and less classical mobile phones without touch screen, which we have used several years ago. Now, smart devices, e.g. smartphones, tablets, with different operating systems, are produced by almost all major mobile manufacturers. It’s very difficult to avoid the smart devices, regardless of the different preferences and IT skills of users. The number of smart device users have been increasing each day and today there is almost no digital native without smart device. However, this is still difficult to say for the older generations. Therefore, the aim of this study is to research the trend of using smart devices by the population over 55 in Varaždin County. Our research revealed that very small percentage of people over 55 have used the smart device or have possessed them in Varaždin County. Also, we have found out that the familiarity with these devices, of our target group of respondents is very low. Further, the results showed that users, older than 55, who possess smart devices have mostly used them for communication and messaging, while have less used them for the purpose of searching utility information on the Internet. The research also shows the difference in the use of smart devices by male and female users older than 55 years.

Students’ criteria in faculty selection
Jasmina Bočkaj

Abstract In order to gain the right qualifications for a career they chose, people study at various colleges. Future students chose the right faculty by evaluating criteria they find important. Many researches have been conducted in order to identify these criteria. The most frequent and logical ones were picked out for the research conducted at the Faculty of organization and informatics. The goal was to find out the importance of criteria students took into account while choosing to study at FOI. The criteria students were asked about are as follows: quality of the curriculum [1][2], the wish to study a certain program [4], difficulty of the curriculum [1][4], the faculty’s cooperation with the industry [6], the faculty’s reputation [1][2][3][4][5], the faculty’s promotion in public [4][5], the application of e-learning [1][2], additional activities the faculty provides (competitions, conferences, trips, associations) [5], the possibility to continue our education on a higher level [5], the possibility of student exchange [5], the possibility of gaining practical knowledge during the study [1], the possibility to find a job after education [1], the ability of performing different jobs [1], the possibility of career development in that certain study area [1][3][4], the possibility of having a well-paid job [1][4], study costs (tuition fee, registration fee, literature) [3][4], student-life costs (rent, costs of travelling and food) [5], student standard (accommodation, food, activities) [5], the distance between home and the faculty [4], travelling possibilities between the place we live and study [5], social life (cinema, night clubs, manifestations) [5], parents’ opinion [1][2][3][4][5], friends’ opinion [1][4][5], the opinion of former and current students [1][2][5], the opinion of high-school teachers [4]. Students evaluated these criteria by choosing one of five Likert-scale statements (1- not at all important to 5-extremely important). Results showed that the most important criteria were the possibility of finding a job, having a well-paid job, ability of performing different jobs and career development. Social life was the lowest-ranked criteria. These conclusions can be used for developing a special model which could help future students choosing the right faculty and for faculties to attract students while adapting to their needs.

Strengthening the competencies of preschool teachers and children through the activities of international cooperation
Kristina Cepanec, Krešimir Plantak

Abstract Mutual cooperation of the various institutions, including those who are engaged in early and pre-school education, is extremely important in building a professional cooperative relationship, especially if it is at the international level. In this way, all who are directly or indirectly involved in the education of children of preschool age, especially educators and children, acquire and improve key competences they need for daily functioning and living in modern society. One of the positive examples of cooperation is a perennial connection between "Varaždin" DV from Croatia and "Ptuj" JZV from Slovenia. Inspired by previous positive experiences and gotten an invitation to participate in the International Children's cross, educators of "Varaždin" DV, decided to respond to the same call and report the participation of 22 children in the 5th and 6th year of life, from educational groups "Bears", the object Koprivnička. If we want to analyze the aspect of strengthening competence in children, let's look at the goals and objectives that flow from these activities. Besides encouraging a healthy lifestyle and development of the spirit of sport and motor skills from an early age, we can also talk about the deepening and strengthening of social competences and mutual cooperative relations. During the planning, educators have to take account of the current zone, but also the future and proximal development of the child (according to Vygotsky). After recording the existing state motor skills (the current development zone), preschool teachers estimated that the cross (running) is the best activity for achieving learning outcomes (zone of future development). So cross is the most appropriate activity for the zone of proximal development. Organizers in Ptuj had also cared into account of the possible emotional reactions of children. So all children, participants on cross, received the same medal for participating, regardless of the final results. This gesture of hosts has contributed to a children’s well-being and increase their self-confidence. By getting to know a new culture and a new environment, children learned to accept diversity, they gained new experiences and new friends. There is a significant introduction of a foreign language, there by improving the linguistic competence of children, which are of great importance (as is taught by native speakers-learning by "first hand"). To educators this type of cooperation is an exceptional value, because they develop various ways of cooperation and expand their professional horizons. They themselves improve their competence, acquiring new knowledge, experience and skills, as well as revising existing ones. Since children are not objects of education, but also entities that participate in their own development and growth, such access and efforts of educators can do more for children. Only in this way can we expect children one day become responsible and self-confident citizens.

Lifelong learning and communication on the labour market
Katarina Čemerika

Abstract This paper is determining the meaning of lifelong learning and the way of communication on the labour market. Nowadays it is important to have knowledge that we have acquired exclusively at school, but it is equally important to develop and advance our knowledge and skills with the progress of technology and society. It also describes the differences that need to be made in our school system, since Croatia has a relatively weak connection between that system and the needs of the labour market, and that leads to unemployement and the shortage of a specific proffessions [1].For this project, author used a research made by the Varaždin county office and their project partners. The purpose of a project was to provide students with disabilities included in regular elementary and secondary schools adequate support in teaching, by assigning them assistants who attended a training based on this project [2]. The research part of the project is based on a survey conducted by an assistant in the classroom who attended the training. The aim of the survey was to monitor and gain a better insight into the success and implementation of that training. The survey was conducted on 102 participants of that training and included questions like the will to continue these programs and trainings that would help educate assistants in classes in order to improve theirwork in schools and to ease the work of students with examples and knowledge that participants have acquired in mentioned training. The results of conducted survey were very positive. 92% of participants, or to be precise 94respondents expressed a wish to further participation in the mentioned training, while only 8% of the respondents were not sure in their wish to pursue this type of education. None of the respondents expressed that they don’t want to participate in the continuation of that education. The results that were gained by this research and the aforementioned survey about the continuation of workshops show that this type of training was really useful and effective.

Financial Literacy of Students at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics Varazdin
Nikolina Grđan, Helena Banfić, Gabrijela Paska

Abstract Financial literacy considers having knowledge of various financial products and services, managing personal finances, understanding importance of savings and expected pensions [2]. It's importance lies in giving the ability to individual to understand financial issues and be aware of risks existing in processes of planning personal finances and making financial decisions. This paper was intended to find out the level of financial literacy among students of Faculty of Organization and Informatics which is relevant given it’s growing importance as a part of general knowledge of each individual. The results of study conducted on a sample of 268 students, shows that the majority of respondents have a low level of knowledge about basic financial terms and products, although they are aware of importance of financial literacy. About 53% of respondents claims financial education is extremely important to them, but only 3% of them is familiar with financial products and services available at financial markets. Furthermore, only 2,98% of respondents declare themselves as well informed about saving for retirement options and 63,8% respondents does not have any savings account. In last couple of years, several surveys on level of financial literacy were conducted. It is important to emphasize the results of greatest international educational survey called PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) that is conducted every three years by Organization for economic cooperation and development [1]. The latest PISA survey was taken in 2012 and the results are devastating showing that only 10% of Croatian students and 21% of students in OECD countries achieve fifth level of financial literacy while most of the students are not even familiar with most basic financial terms and therefore they don't even achieve second level of financial literacy. Lack of financial literacy for Croatian people is also showed in results of survey taken by Institute of Economics from Zagreb in 2015. According to that survey, lowest level of financial literacy is related to young respondents, people with lower level of education and people with lower level of income [3]. All aforementioned indicates on low financial literacy and a need to improve it, especially among young people and students.

Automatic detection of plagiarism using plug-ins for management system Moodle
Zoran Hercigonja, Matija Kaniški

Abstract Internet ensures that every person has access to a large number of content and information from different areas and fields, but it has also become a threat to the entire academic community in the form of plagiarism or unauthorized downloading and using someone else's content. [1]. Since 1980., Jplag on Moodle platform was used for detection of plagiarisam in searching for compabilities in program codes.[2] Also MOOS plug-in proved to be reliable because less students were able to plagiarize in test version. [3] Similar solutions are possibile to use on other platforms: Moodle, Sakai, Merlin, Lumen, etc. For the purpose of testing and comparing the quality of plagiarism plug-ins, were have taken into consideration plug-ins for Moodle: commercial plug-in VeriCite and free plug-in Crot Pro. [4, 5]. In order to verify plagiarism, we submitted a document on the topic of diving. The created test document was in doc format, assembled with content from blogs, chats and Web pages by the method of copy/past. Goal of this research was to find similarities with Web feeds based on used content in the test document. Fifty different sources in English were used for preparing this document. With the commercial plug-in VeriCite tested on the platform Sakai (due to lack of free trial plug-in for the Moodle) and the free plug-in Crot Pro tested on the platform Moodle, we were attempting to verify if the submitted document contained plagiarism content. Searching for matches was primary based on remote Web sources. The criteria for performance measurement of the plug-in were the duration of process detection and the number of detected sources. Considering the large amount of time spent on detection process, Crot Pro has discovered a relatively small percentage of similarities with Web feeds. On the other side VeriCite has achieved outstanding results with very little expenditure of time and a relatively large percentage of similarities with the same Web feeds. The advantages of using such solutions are cost-effectiveness, extremely fast detection of plagiarism, simultaneous detection of multiple documents in different formats (doc, pdf, txt) and an easy way to install them into the LMS platform.

Factors of job satisfaction
Ivan Ilić

Abstract Many scientists have dealt with the investigation of job satisfaction, so there is a lot of research on this subject. Job satisfaction, according to Robbins and Judge (2013), can be defined as a positive feeling about a job, resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics. Research shows that job satisfaction is closely associated with higher employee productivity but also a lower rate of absenteeism. There are many factors of job satisfaction and some of the most important, that were used in this study, are salary, working hours, safety, opportunity for advancement, the work itself, relationship with co-workers, relationship with supervisor, benefits, the possibility of training, and working conditions. Most research, such as the American Research by Society for Human Resource Management in 2013, are identical to the claim that employees attach more importance to the material factors of satisfaction (Compensation/pay). This research examined the attitudes of students about the importance they attach to certain factors of job satisfaction. Because of the great importance of these topics, the goal of this study is to present the views of graduate students of the Faculty of Organisation and Informatics on specific factors of job satisfaction, as future employees. The method used in this study is the method of a questionnaire that participants completed online, through The questionnaire consists of closed questions, sort factors according to their importance and Likert scales. The study included 56 graduate students (22 mens and 34 womens) of the Faculty of Organization and Informatics, mainly aged 24-26 years. In line with most of the research, this study found that students attached most importance to the material factors of job satisfaction compared to non-material factors. The most important material factor is salary and non-material is interesting work.

Volunteering in Sport: Case Study of Collaboration between London and Croatia
Darija Jambrečić

Abstract Project „Dual International Volunteering Exchange and Research in Sports Ecucation/DIVERSE“ is a international project which began in Varazdin in August 2014. DIVERSE will include four mobilities; two student exchanges and two exchanges for training and networking of youth workers, and will be implemented next 18 months in Varazdin and London. The project activities will also include workshops about healthy life habits, nutrition habits and benefits of an active lifestyle. They held two mobilities and during each of them, the participants, female athletes, filled out a survey of 18 questions, open and closed. During the first mobility held in August 2014 in Varazdin, a survey was completed by 17 patients, while the second mobility held in October 2014 in London, a survey filled out 24 respondents. In the first mobility, survey results showed that the respondents quality of the project and the quality of communication among peers evaluated with the grade 5 on a scale of 1 to 5, while the motivation they evaluated with the grade 4, also on a scale of 1 to 5. In the second mobility, survey results showed that respondents' motivation for the project and the quality of the project was evaluated with grade 5, while the quality of communication among peers evaluated with a grade 4. In open-ended questions can be observed very similar responses in surveys in both mobilities. This research is part of final paper at the Faculty of organization and informatics "Ravnopravnost spolova i komunikacija na tržištu rada", whose mentor is izv. prof. dr. sc.Vidaček-Hainš. Other relevant studies on the topic: Team Effectiveness in Sport Teams: The Effects of Team Cohesion, Intra Team Communication and Team Norms on Team Member Satisfaction and Intent to Remain

Human resource management in business organizations
Lorena Kos

Abstract The main objective of the research conducted as part of the graduation thesis on the topic "Human resources management in business organizations" is to determine the importance of human resources for business success in the Croatian enterprise and define the quality of the management of such business divisions. Due to the width of the field of human resources, research is oriented in two basic directions; motivation and employee selection that have been set as pre-conditions for the development of an individuals' careers and the stress and conflicts in the workplace, phenomenons which have become one of the fundamental characteristics of the varied jobs in companies, regardless of the size and activity of the organization. The study was conducted at the medium-sized company "Zlatno zrno", that is operating in the food industry in Varazdin County. The subjects of the research were all employees of the company, 64 of them. The intention was to analyze different opinions and attitudes of employees who work in the same work environment. The study examined the preferences of motivational techniques from the perspective of the employer and employee, as well as professional selection criteria with particular emphasis on youth employment. Employment of young people with little or no work experience is a problem in the Croatian society, and this part of the research was carried out with the intention to gain insight into actual job opportunities for young people. This part of the study is very important and meaningful since the author of the study is a graduate student of the economic faculty and is soon going to start actively seeking employment. Furthermore, this research analyzed causes of stress in the workplace with the intention of defining various stressors in the same business environment, and conflicts that usually occur as a result of stressful situations. The research was mainly focused on the occurrence of stress and conflict, on ways to solve these negative phenomena, and the compatibility of the theory with real business practice. The research results should demonstrate the level and ways of motivating employees in the enterprise, the presence of stress in their work environment, the frequency of business conflicts as a result of stress in the workplace and ways to resolve them.

Petra Pfeifer

Abstract Comunication is every day activity. Man as human being, he lives in a comunity and with that comunity he has need to share informations facilitating his every day activities. Comunication varies considered by enviornment which takes place, so it is not a same way of communicating in school or college as in educational constitutions and in family. Target of research is to determine frequency of using non-verbal comunication as additions to verbal and introduction with students way of communicating. Stakeholders of communication are students and professors. Survey was conducted in August,2015 and published on the Facebook page „Ekonomika poduzetništva 2012/2015 FOI Varazdin III godina ( as a page we use for all questions, answers and tips beetween us as third year students undergraduate study „Ekonomika poduzetništva“. Obtained results will enable to easier understanding communication between students and students and professors and possible guidelines for improvement of communication. Based on a research it can be deduced that students send non-verbalized sings mostly in a controlled manner and in a lesser degree than their professors. Hand gesticulation amongst students is rare, whilst mimic is somewhat more expressive.

Comparative Study of the Additional Education Role in an International Environment
Ivor Šebalj

Abstract By analyzing the 271 responses from the information and communication technologies respondents, which half of them are students and half are employees, similarities and differences of opinions on the most important skills and characteristics in the ICT career were discovered. The analyzed results show that the largest number of interviewed students prefer software developers or sellers and marketing expert careers. Most of them recognize the importance of the surveyed extracurricular activities, but the general conclusion is that they should be even more involved. The results reveal that 41% of students have never participated in the ICT conferences, and one in three students have during their studying became entrepreneurs. Slightly more than 40% of students joined student organizations. Students generally do not join the Summer School programs, but attending professional workshops for the acquisition of ICT certificates is very popular. The survey also questioned how much time students spend on different activities. The most intensive activities discovered are: programming, working a part-time job related to the future profession and learning foreign languages. Less popular activities include volunteering, studying over MOOC courses and following trends related to the future profession. Very important trend among Croatian students is applying for student exchanges and internships. The number of applicants increased from 882 students in year 2011/2012 up to 1306 students in year 2013/2014. Similar trend is also discovered after finishing the education. After comparing the results from the last 10 years, the number of students who want to leave their country since 2005 has doubled. The most important skills chosen by the students and employees are problem solving and technical ICT skills, while the desire to learn, quick learning and self-confidence are the top 3 characteristics which reveal the perfect formula for rapid development in professional career.

A simulation model of the performance of a network structured according to the OSPF protocol
Virtyt Lesha

Abstract OSPF is an interior gateway protocol (IGP) for routing Internet Protocol (IP) packets solely within a single routing domain, such as an autonomous system. It gathers link state information from available routers and constructs a topology map of the network. The topology is presented as a routing table to the Internet Layer which routes data-grams based solely on the destination IP address found in IP packets. OSPF supports Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) and Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) networks and featuresvariable-length subnet masking (VLSM) and Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) addressing models [3]. In this paper a network topology will be presented. This topology is designed through GNS3 simulator (Graphical Network Simulator 3) and it is structured according to the OSPF protocol, a protocol which is link-state type. In this topology a certain number of samples is taken. The interval of sampling is 6 days. Samples taken consist in sending echo signals between routers and the delay of sending and receiving the echo-s is measured. Also the echo packet size is dynamic. Depending on the time delay and packet size we have created a simulation in Matlab[2] environment, which performs the linear regression analysis giving the results. The results consist in showing the linear lines of the regression[1], the equation of these lines as well as the coefficient of determination. So, the methodology consists in putting as independent variable [4] the size of the packet in bytes against the parameters such as the delay in milliseconds. Through Matlab, these data are analyzed through the linear polynomial regression giving the determination coefficients. The reason for the use of the linear regression of this order is related to the fact that the use of nonlinear regression of higher orders does not represent more accurate apparent than nonlinear regression of higher orders.

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