Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2015

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Home automation using Raspberry Pi
Matija Novak, Dragutin Kermek

Last modified: 2015-08-28


Home automation is becoming a very popular activity with the development of credit card-sized and cheap single-board microcontrollers like Arduino and especially single-board computers like Raspberry Pi. Every person which has small knowledge in programming and electronics can start some project to automatize his/her home. With dedicated device (Arduino or Raspberry Pi) and a few sensors for temperature, light (optosensor), humidity, infra-red light, etc. one can automate his home environment.

There are various electronic devices in one’s home like radios, television, etc. that are not in use due to obsolescence or malfunction but the repair of such devices is not profitable. Some parts or even modules of such devices can still be of good use when doing home automations and to enforce so called the green approach.

The development of home automation project should be based on small modules (hardware and software) that are testable and then gradually integrated into final project. Few decisions must be made about features one would like to have and usually few compromises are set on the path to the solution.

This article shows a proof-of-concept that combines home automation using the Raspberry Pi, so called green approach and modular development.

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