Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2015

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Students Communication Preferences and Self-Esteem
Tomislav Cundić

Last modified: 2015-07-21


The goal of this study was to discover what is the preferred communication medium for students in case of personal topics: online communication tools (facebook, skype or e-mail) or face to face (at coffee shops, students’ canteen or faculty building). Further the goal of this research was to see whether there is difference in preferred communication medium of students with their friends between high self-esteem students and low self-esteem students; further to see whether there is difference in online and offline impression management between high self-esteem students and low self-esteem students. Last goal of this research was to see whether there is difference in using the emoticons in online communication between high self-esteem students and low self-esteem students.