Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2010

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Scientific Collaboration and Development of Scientific Community
Đilda Pečarić

Last modified: 2010-07-13


Abstract. Field of Information Science in Croatia includes seven disciplines from archivistics and documentation, communicology, information science, information systems, lexicography, librarianship to museology. Until now, research about scientific collaborations and correlations on individual, institutional, national or international level within these disciplines in Croatian does not exist. This research show scientific collaborations among disciplines in field of Information science using bibliometrics methods, by indicators about collaboration in order to establish reciprocity of scientist and their influence and connections. On corpus of 22.210 cited bibliographic units retrieved from doctoral dissertation in Information Science it is shown scientific collaboration and influence of authors’ productions and co-authors connections on development of scientific community in the field of Information Science in Croatia. Scientific collaboration is followed through three indicators: a) distribution of citations according to disciplines and periods in order to identify factor of connections and coherence among certain disciplines; b) by analysis of number of co-authors, more precisely, by analysis of co-authors’ connections it is followed level and form of scientific collaboration inside certain scientific disciplines as well as overall field of Information Science; c) by analysis of most cited authors in conceptual knowledge zone in this paper is shown dynamics of development of scientific paradigm and their dominant authors in thirty year researched period, as according to periods as according to disciplines.


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