Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2009

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New Approaches and Tools in Teaching Programming
Danijel Radosevic, Alen Lovrencic, Tihomir Orehovacki

Last modified: 2009-07-27


Teaching programming at university beginner's level has some specific problems like wide diversity of student's previous knowledge, fear of programming, problems with programming language syntax etc., as shown in many previous investigations and our on-line questionnaire. There are already some approaches and tools developed to make programming concepts easier to understand for students, like different visual tools, tutorials, video lectures and even new programming languages, developed to learn programming concepts. Our approach is based on development of specific learning interface to standard programming languages, like C++, instead of standard IDE-s. That interface should prevent many mistakes students often do in learning programming and make easier for teachers to help their students before they collect to many syntax and logical errors.

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