Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2008

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Impact of ICT on the organization structure elements: case of the Varazdin County
Kristina Brodar, Marina Klacmer Calopa, Igor Pihir

Last modified: 2008-08-19


Organizations have been in research focus for many years, where research may include organizations' impact on their surrounding, while in others researchers' interest moves to the influence of certain factors on the organizational components, therewith on the efficiency of overall organizational activity. Traditional view commonly divided the factors on internal and external ones, which became improper in modern conditions. When considering contemporary division of organizational determinants on structural (formalization, specialization, hierarchy and authority, centralization, etc.) and contextual factors (organizational size, technology, environment, mission, organizational culture etc.), as a specific factor we have to extract information and communication technology (ICT). ICT impacts not only all the organizational structure elements, but comprehensively changes the effects of all the other mentioned structural and contextual factors, therefore becoming generic factor which cannot be classified into one of these groups. In this research, which is a part of more extensive exploration with aim to confirm or deny that hypothesis, we shall observe impact of ICT on organizational elements of different organizations. This paper analyzes the influence of ICT on the organization of public administrations offices on the case of the Varazdin County, based on the data collected by the interview and questionnaire method.

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