Archive - Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, CECIIS - 2008

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Online CASE Tool for Development of Web
Igor Jugo

Last modified: 2008-08-01


Web based software ranging from full
fledged distributed information systems, web based
interfaces to larger classic information systems, web
news portals and communities to dynamic websites of
small companies is slowly but surely outnumbering
the ,,static" Web. Research shows that the majority of
them is not built using any kind of structured,
disciplined, quality assurance process although many
web software development methodologies and some
CASE tools have been developed, tested and proven
effective in the last 5-10 years. Developers usually
justify the absence of a process in their work by time
limits, strict budgets, need for additional software,
process learning period, etc. In this paper we propose
a CASE tool for the development of web applications
that is available and used online by developers and
clients. In this way web developers would work in
their natural (online) environment, using a tool that
enforces a structured approach, clients would be
included in the life cycle reviewing and giving
feedback, thus yielding better quality web
applications. Creating a web based CASE tool with a
classic application usage paradigm requires the
application of latest web 2.0. technologies integrated
with the strict formal rules of BPM, ERA and other
notations used in the software development process.

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