Proceedings Archive 2018
Cover pages
Computer Games
Martin Kinitzki, Dieter Hertweck, Peter Kühfuß and Valeria Kinitzki
How SMEs Can Use Games to Assess the Innovation Potential of New Technologies
Markus Schatten, Bogdan Okreša Đurić and Igor Tomičić
Towards an Application Programming Interface for Automated Testing of Artificial Intelligence Agents in Massively Multi-Player On-Line Role-Playing Games
Igor Tomičić, Bogdan Okreša Đurić and Markus Schatten
Implementing Agent Roles in Massivley Multi-Player On-Line Role-Playing Games
Robert Fabac and Danijel Radošević
Computer Implementation of “Rational Pigs Game” Extended Model and Humans’ Decision-Making in Related Scenarios
Data and Knowledge Bases
Katarina Rojko and Dejan Jelovac
Challenges Due to Excessive Amount of Online Data and (Mis)Information
Leo Mršić, Sandro Skansi and Robert Kopal
Preliminary Study for a Survey-Based Fuzzy Membership Function Definition for Imprecise Quantification in Croatian
Education and Learning Analytics
Teodora Lolić, Sonja Ristić, Darko Stefanović and Uglješa Marjanović
Acceptance of E-Learning System at Faculty of Technical Sciences
Mirjana Pejić Bach, Dario Šebalj, Daniela Garbin Praničević and Igor Pihir
Employment of Business Informatics Graduates: Preliminary Results
Simona Sternad Zabukovšek, Ruben Picek, Polona Tominc and Samo Bobek
Analysis of Students’ Experiences with Microsoft Dynamics NAV Solution Using Technological Acceptance Model
Mirela Mabić and Dražena Gašpar
Facebook as a Learning Tool - Students’ Perspective
Lea Dujić Rodić and Andrina Granić
Tangible User Interfaces for Enhancement of Young Children’s Mathematical Problem Solving and Reasoning: A Preliminary Review of Relevant Literature
Danijel Filipović, Igor Balaban and Dijana Oreški
Cluster Analysis of Student’s Activities from Logs and Their Success in Self-Assessment Tests
Emerging trends in ICT
Martina Tomičić Furjan, Vjeran Strahonja and Katarina Tomičić-Pupek
Framing the Digital Transformation of Educational Institutions
Bojan Krajnc, Polona Tominc, Ruben Picek and Simona Sternad Zabukovšek
CRM Solutions and Effectiveness of Sales Processes in Export Organizations
Dijana Peras
Guidelines for GDPR Compliant Consent and Data Management Model in ICT Businesses
Barbara Šlibar, Dijana Plantak Vukovac, Sandra Lovrenčić, Martina Šestak and Darko Andročec
Gamification in a Business Context: Theoretical Background
Alen Kišić
The Use of Social Media in Political Campaigns: The Case of Croatian Local Elections 2017
Igor Pihir, Katarina Tomičić-Pupek and Martina Tomičić Furjan
Digital Transformation Insights and Trends
ICT Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Nikola Zornić, Aleksandar Marković and Sava Čavoški
Forecasting Cryptocurrency Investment Return Using Time Series and Monte Carlo Simulation
Intelligent Information Systems
Grega Vrbančič, Iztok Jr. Fister and Vili Podgorelec
Designing Deep Neural Network Topologies with Population-Based Metaheuristics
Iztok Jr. Fister, Grega Vrbančič, Lucija Brezočnik, Vili Podgorelec and Iztok Fister
SportyDataGen: An Online Generator of Endurance Sports Activity Collections
Marijana Zekić-Sušac, Adela Has and Saša Mitrović
Recursive Partitioning in Predicting Energy Consumption of Public Buildings
Tea Mijač, Mario Jadrić and Maja Ćukušić
Evaluating the Potential of a Data-Driven Approach in Digital Service (Re)Design
Quality of Software and Services
Nadica Hrgarek Lechner
Developing a Compliant Cybersecurity Process for Medical Devices
Software Engineering
Tomislav Turek, Markus Schatten and Tonimir Kišasondi
Domain Specific Honeytokens Based on Natural Language Processing - A Conceptual Model
Strategic Planning and Decision Making
Sandro Radovanović, Boris Delibašić and Milija Suknović
Multi-Task Learning for Ski Injury Predictions
Valentina Đurek, Nikola Kadoić and Željko Dobrović
Digital Maturity of Higher Education Institution: A Meta Model of the Analytical Network Process (ANP) and Decision EXpert (DEX)
Romano Kovač and Dijana Oreški
Educational Data Driven Decision Making: Early Identification of Students at Risk by Means of Machine Learning

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