Proceedings Archive 2017
Cover Pages
Data and Knowledge Bases
Marko Horvat
A Brief Overview of Affective Multimedia Databases
Dražena Gašpar, Mirela Mabić, Tihomir Krtalić
Integrating Two Worlds: Relational and NoSQL
Slavica Kordić, Sonja Ristić, Milan Čeliković, Vladimir Dimitrieski, Ivan Luković
Reverse Engineering of a Generic Relational Database Schema Into a Domain-Specific Data Model
Ivan Srdić, Gordan Gledec
Contextual Spellchecking Based on N-grams
Education and Learning Analytics
Karolina Dobi Barišić, Blaženka Divjak, Valentina Kirinić
Validation of Survey of Preservice Teachers’ Knowledge of Teaching and Technology in the Context of Croatian Educational System
Andrej Šorgo, Andreja Špernjak
Digital Competence for Science Teaching
Aleksandra Sobodić, Igor Balaban, Mia Tomašević
The Impact of Cultural Dimensions on Student’s Use of E-Learning System
Igor Jugo, Božidar Kovačić
A Method for Automatic Selection and Interpretation of Student Clustering Models According to Their Activity on E-Learning System
Alen Rajšp, Tina Beranič, Marjan Heričko, Paul Wu Horng-Jyh
Students’ Perception of Gamification in Higher Education Courses
Lourdes Guardia, Marcelo Maina, Albert Julia
Digital Competence Assessment System: Supporting Teachers With the CRISS Platform
Mario Jadrić, Maja Ćukušić, Željko Garača
Analysing Students’ Behaviour Patterns in Online Assessment
Andrina Granić, Jelena Nakić, Maja Ćukušić
Preliminary Evaluation of a 3D Serious Game in the Context of Entrepreneurship Education
Valentina Đurek, Nina Begičević Ređep, Blaženka Divjak
Digital Maturity Framework for Higher Education Institutions
Emerging trends in ICT
Luka Hrgarek, TatjanaWelzer, Marko Hölbl
Web Browser Data Collection and User Awareness Regarding Web Browser Data Exposure
Katarina Pažur Aničić, Maja Bedeniković, Nikolina Smetiško
Which Are the Most Desired E-Competences of Future ICT Professionals?
Petar Djerasimović, Gordan Gledec
An Overview of Identity Management Systems Usage
ICT Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Zrinka Lacković Vincek, Stjepan Dvorski, Ivana Dvorski Lacković
A Literature Review on the Application of the Cloud Technology in Supply Chains
Tamara Šmaguc, Ksenija Vuković
Institutional Field in the Republic of Croatia: Perspective of Entrepreneurs Pertaining to Computer Programming Activities
Dina Korent, Silvije Orsag
Selected Structural and Business Indicators in Manufacturing, Trade and Information and Communication Activities in the Republic of Croatia
Bubanić Marijana, Detelj Kristina
Cluster Analysis of Research and Development Expenditure in EU
Intelligent Information Systems
Andrej Šorgo, Kosta Dolenc, Boštjan Šumak, Vili Podgorelec, Sašo Karakatič, Marjan Heričko
Proposal for Developing an Autonomous Intelligent and Adaptive E-Learning System (AIAES) for Education
Ana-Marija Stjepić
Survey of the Determinations of Business Intelligence Systems Adoption in SMEs
Danijel Radošević, Ivan Magdalenić, Darko Andročec, Andrija Bernik, Matija Kaniški
A Machine Translation Model Inspired by Code Generation
Markus Schatten, Bogdan Okreša ?urić, Igor Tomičić, Nikola Ivković, Mario Konecki, Jurica Ševa, Marko Maliković, Pietro Terna
Large-Scale Multi-Agent Modelling of Massively Multi-Player On-Line Role-Playing Games – A Summary
Markus Schatten, Igor Tomičić, Bogdan Okreša Đurić
A Review on Application Domains of Large-Scale Multiagent Systems
Bogdan Okreša Đurić, Igor Tomičić, Sven Vukelić
Model Driven Game Quest Scenario Development for Massively Multi-Player Role-Playing Games: A Case Study
Nikola Zornić, Aleksandar Marković, Sava Čavoški
Agent-Based Simulation Model for Real-Time Traffic Analyses
Quality of Software and Services
Radovan Vrana
Acceptance of Open Peer Review by Scientific Publishers
Nadica Hrgarek Lechner, Vjeran Strahonja
Quality Factors for Mobile Medical Apps
Nadica Hrgarek Lechner
An Overview of Cybersecurity Regulations and Standards for Medical Device Software
Renata Mekovec, Nikolina Žajdela Hrustek, Igor Pihir
On-Line Behaviour of Users With Different Privacy Concerns
Software Engineering
Paula Kokić, Boris Tomaš
Enhanced Drone Swarm Localization Using GPS and Trilateration Based on RF Propagation Model
Daniel Strmečki, Ivan Magdalenić
Towards an Ontological Model for Modelling and Automatic Code Generation of Complete Web Information Systems
Miroslav Stefanović, Đorđe Pržulj, Darko Stefanović, Miloš Vukmanović, Sonja Ristić
OCL Specification of Inter-Register Integrity Constraints in Land Administration Systems
Strategic Planning and Decision Making
Antonia Bralić
Social Network Analysis of Country Participation in Horizon 2020 Programme
Dario Šebalj, Josip Mesarić, Davor Dujak
Predicting Natural Gas Consumption – A Literature Review
Aleksandar Hatzivelkos
The Mathematical Look at a Notion of the Compromise and its Ramifications
Aleksander Janeš, Nikola Kadoić, Nina Begičević Ređep
The ANP Representation of the BSC

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